

Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can learn a lot from ________.

Donnie was a ________ student and never answered questions in class. He was ________ to make mistakes. He never finished his homework ________he didn’t want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed ________ Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our ________ .

One morning , Marry Anne asked Donnie to ________ some questions. After a while Donnie was in tears because he made a mistake. ________ Marry Anne got a box full of erasers from the desk.

“Look, Donnie,” she said standing ________ him. “I’ve got something to show you.” She ________ the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.

“See these erasers, Donnie?” she continued. “Do you know ________ the erasers become smaller and smaller? That’s because we make mistakes. But we erase the mistakes and try ________ . That’s what you must learn.”

“Here,” she said, “I’ll ________ one eraser on your desk, so you will remember that ________

may make mistakes.” Donnie looked at Marry Anne and smiled.

Donnie ________ a lot from then on. He knew that everyone had the permission to make mistakes as long as you learned them and tried again.

【1】A. it B. their C. them D. one

【2】A. shy B. good C. clever D. small

【3】A. glad B. afraid C. surprised D. excited

【4】A. but B. so C. if D. because

【5】A. after B. until C. while D. when

【6】A. row B. classroom C. team D. class

【7】A. ask B. answer C. give D. have

【8】A. Suddenly B. Quickly C. Luckily D. Carefully

【9】A. on B. with C. to D. beside

【10】A. put out B. took out C. took away D. took off

【11】A. when B. how C. why D. what

【12】A. again B. more C. another D. one

【13】A. forget B. carry C. give D. leave

【14】A. everybody B. somebody C. no one D. nobody

【15】A. learned B. got C. changed D. Thought





















【3】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他害怕犯错误。glad高兴的;afraid 害怕的;excited兴奋的 surprised惊讶的。联系上下文他不在课上回答问题是因为害怕犯错。所以选B。

【4】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:他从不完成作业因为他不想犯任何错误。but但是;because因为 so所以;if如果。结合语境可知因为不想犯错所以不做作业。所以选D。

【5】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:一切都没有改变过,直到一个老师玛丽安来到我们班级。after……之后;until,直到,在……之前;while……时候;when……时候。not until直到才,结合语境,选B。

【6】考查名词及语境理解。句意:什么也没有变,直到一位老师来以我们班上。 A.row排,行;B.classroom教室;C.team 队,组;D.class班。班上来了一位新老师,故选D。

【7】考查动词及语境理解。句意:一天早上,Marry Anne叫唐尼答问; A.ask 问;B.answer回答;C.give给;D.have拥有。根据句意:回答问题,故选B。

【8】考查副词及语境理解。句意:突然,Marry Anne从课桌里取出一盒橡皮。A.Suddenly突然;B.Quickly快速地;C.Luckily幸运地;D.Carefully仔细地。在问答中,老师的突然的举动,故选A。


【10】考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:她取出这些橡皮,一次一个,放在他的桌子上。put out生产,出版,扑灭 took out取出;took away剥夺,拿开;took off起飞,脱下。结合语境应该是取出橡皮,所以选B。

【11】考查特殊疑问词及语境的理解。句意:你知道为什么橡皮越来越小吗?when……时候 how怎么,怎样;;why为什么what什么。根据下文Thats because we make mistakes.可知该选C。

【12】考查副词及语境理解。句意:我们擦掉错处再次尝试。 A.again再一次,又一次;B.more更多的;C.another再一个,另一个;D.one一,一个。再次尝试。故选A。

【13】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我将在你的桌子上留一块橡皮,所以你会记得每个人都会犯错。forget忘记;carry携带;give ;leave留下。结合语境和词义,所以选D。

【14】考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:我将在你的桌子上留一块橡皮,所以你会记得每个人都会犯错。everybody每个人;nobody没有人;somebody某人;no one没有人。每个人都会犯错,所以选A。

【15】考查动词及语境理解。句意:从那以后,唐尼改变了许多。 A.learned学会;B.got得到;C.changed改变; D.thought思考。从中学到了许多。故选C。


【题目】完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将该选项填入答卷上相应的空格内。

On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out we found an old woman appeared at the door. She said "Hi my name is Susan I'm seventy years old." While we were_________ what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age she said with a smile "I’m here to meet a rich husband get have two children and travel together. "Hearing this all of us laughed. "In fact" she went on " I always _________ of having a college education and now I'm getting one!"

After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good _________ . I often listened to this "time machine" as she shared her study with me.

At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a_________. When she was stepped up to the front suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated (沮丧的) and said "I'm sorry. I'm so nervous that I can't get my ready talk back so I have to tell you _________ I know. "In her speech she told us "We don't stop playing as we are old we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying_________ being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something_________ every day. I think there is a great_________ between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I lie in bed for one full year and never do anything I'll become - one. Since anybody can grow older my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can't be avoided growing up can be_________ It's never too late to be all you can be possible. "

During the four years' study it was so easy for Susan to make friends wherever she went. In the end the wonderful woman got a college degree.

【1】A.finding B.getting C.wanting D.wondering

【2】A.married B.worried C.excited D.relaxed

【3】A.liked B.made C.knew D.dreamed

【4】A.teachers B.friends C.students D.neighbours

【5】A.lesson B.present C.talk D.story

【6】A.which B.how C.what D.why

【7】A.old B.young C. clear D.awake

【8】A.natural B.difficult C.interesting D.possible

【9】A.difference B.chance C.pleasure D.confidence

【10】A.noticed B.chosen C.thought D.mentioned


We can not live a modern life without travelling. The fastest way of, travelling is by air. With a plane one can travel in one day to places which it takes a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country while he is travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible, There are large luxury liners(客轮) or river boats. They are not as fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a' very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

Many people like to travel: by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundreds of miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interesting or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why people choose travelling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business.

【1】 According to the passage, the fastest way of travelling is_______________.

A. by car B. by train

C. by sea D. by plane

【2】 If we travel by car, we can_______.

A. enjoy the longest journey

B. travel only fifty miles a day

C. travel to a very far place in a few minutes

D. make our own timetable

【3】 When people travel on business, they usually take_______________.

A. a train or a plane B. a car or a train

C. a plane or a car D. a boat or a train

【4】 If possible, people like travelling by sea because_______.

A. it is as fast as trains and planes

B. it can stop wherever they like

C. it is very cheap

D. it is a pleasant way to spend a holiday

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