

近来有很多关于乘客因干扰或袭击公交司机而引发交通事故或人员伤亡的报道, 请你结合上文的内容, 并根据下面的要点提示, 写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你的看法, 呼呼建设良好社会, 珍爱生命。


1. 就上文提到的事件谈谈你的看法;

2. 如果你是乘客, 遇到类似的情况, 你会怎么做? (至少两点)

3. 呼吁人们维护公共秩序, 珍惜生命。


1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。

2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右, 作文的开头己经给出, 不计入总词数。

After reading the news about the bus accident which happened in Wanzhou, Chongqing,



Hobbies can be anything. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things. But how to pick a hobby?

Think back to what you loved as a kid.

Did you like to ride bikes with friends? Did you love to paint or draw? Think about what got you excited as a kid and what you could do for several hours. If you rode bikes, why not get a new bike and go around your neighborhood? If you loved drawing, take a class at an art museum.

Look at what interests you.

Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing them. Do you like a cold beer at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make beer at home. Turn what you love into a hobby.

Look into your skill.

Some hobbies need skills. If you have little patience, you may not enjoy hand-sewing. But if you love repairing and building things, you can have a hobby like working on old radios or building furniture.

Pay attention to what excites you.

What you often talk about can show what you love most. Think about the topics you always go on about. Ask your friends what you talk about most. Then you can decide how to tum it into a hobby.

1.What is the benefit of having hobbies?

A.Making you smart. B.Letting you try new things.

C.Making your life exciting. D.Letting you love many things.

2.If you love reading, what might be your hobby according to the passage?

A.Writing stories. B.Repairing old radios.

C.Making food at home. D.Studying at an art museum.

3.How can you find out what excites you?

A.Think about what you loved as a kid. B.Look at what you are good at.

C.Learn to try many new things. D.Ask others what you talk about most.

4.From the passage, we can learn that_______.

A.if you are skilled at something, you can pick it as a hobby.

B.if you don' t like something, you can make it your hobby.

C.the thing you loved to do as a kid can' t be kept as a hobby.

D.the thing you talk least with your friend can be your hobby.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How to write books. B.How to excite a kid.

C.How to find a hobby. D.How to try new things at home.

People often need to take some medicine when they catch a cold or a cough. Now here are the constructions on how to take medicine and store it.

Cold medicine-tablet(药片)

Adults: One tablet a time. Take two tablets in 24 hour.

12-18 years of age: One tablet. Take only one tablet in 24 hours.

Store at 200c-250c. Take the medicine 60 minutes before eating food.

Cold medicine-syrup(糖浆)

2-4 years of age: 4 ml (0. 8 teaspoon) a time

5-6 years of age: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) a time

7-12 years of age 7. 5 ml (1 and 1/2 teaspoons) a time

Adults: 10 ml (2 teaspoons) a time

Don't take it more than three times in 24 hours. Kid under 2 years old can't take it.


Honey(蜂蜜)can help you stop colds and coughs, too. Kids between 2 and 5 years old should take 1/2 teaspoon of honey 30 minutes before going to bed. A full teaspoon for kids between 6 and 11 years old, and two teaspoons for kids from 12 to 18 years old. Just remember NO HONEY FOR KIDS UNDER TWO YEARS OLD.

1.How often should an adult take the tablet?

A.Once a day. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a day. D.Four times a day.

2.When kids are _________ , they can't take the syrup.

A.18 months old B.36 months old C.6 years old D.18 years old

3.John is twelve years old, and he should take _________ once.

A.one tablet or 5 ml of syrup B.two tablets or 5 ml of syrup

C.one tablet or 7.5 ml of syrup D.two tablets or 7. 5 ml of syrup

4.How much honey should a seven-year-old boy take?

A.0. 5 teaspoon. B.0.8 teaspoon. C.1 teaspoon. D.2 teaspoons.

5.When you have _________ you can take the medicine mentioned in the passage.

A.a stomachache B.a backache C.. a toothache D.a cold

A mouse and a frog were friends. Every morning the frog would jump out of his pond and go to visit his friend who lived in a hole in the side of a tree. He would return home at noon. The mouse was happy to have his friend’s company(陪伴) but he didn’t realize(意识到)that his friend was slowly turning into an enemy. The reason is that the frog felt unfair because he visited the mouse every day but the mouse never visited him.

One day, the frog had an idea. When it was time for him to take leave of (辞别)the mouse, he tied one end of a string around his own leg, tied the other end to the mouse’ s tail, and went away with the mouse behind him. The frog dived deep into the pond. The mouse tried to free himself but couldn’t, and soon was dead in water.

A hawk saw the mouse floating on the ponds surface. He swooped down(俯冲), caught the mouse and flew to the branch of a nearby tree. The frog, of course was pulled out of the water too. He tried to free himself, but couldn’ t and became the hawk’s food soon.

In Africa, they have a saying: Don’t dig too deep a pit(深坑)for your enemy, because you may fall into it yourself.


1.Every morning the frog would visit the mouse and return home at noon.

2.The frog slowly turned into an enemy because the mouse never served him a nice meal.

3.When the frog was in the pond, a hawk swooped down, caught him and ate him.

4.In the pond, the hawk ate the frog.

5.The story told us not to dig too deep a pit for our enemy. We may fail into it ourselves.

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