1. 老师昨天要学生们放学以后留下来。
Yesterday the teacher the students in the classroom after school.
2. 你必须及时把图书归还到图书室。
You must return the book to the library .
3. 来自澳大利亚的文尼遇到许多困难,但他从不放弃。
Vinny, from Australia, so many difficulties , but he never gave up.
4. 天津的变化使我们感到惊讶。
We are the changes in Tianjin.
5. 一周又一周,一个想法在他的头脑里逐渐形成。
Week after week, an idea slowly in his mind.
Yesterday the teacher the students in the classroom after school.
2. 你必须及时把图书归还到图书室。
You must return the book to the library .
3. 来自澳大利亚的文尼遇到许多困难,但他从不放弃。
Vinny, from Australia, so many difficulties , but he never gave up.
4. 天津的变化使我们感到惊讶。
We are the changes in Tianjin.
5. 一周又一周,一个想法在他的头脑里逐渐形成。
Week after week, an idea slowly in his mind.
1. made, stay 2. in, time 3. came, across 4. amazed, at 5. took, shape
