
He ________ that he would help me, but he didn't keep his ________.

  1. A.
    promised, promise
  2. B.
    promise, promise
  3. C.
    promised, promised
  4. D.
    promise, promises


  The worst tourist (旅行者) in the world is Nicholas Scotti of San Francisco. Once he flew from the U . S . to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home . The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at Kennedy Airport of New York . As he thought he had arrived home, Mr. Scotti got off the plane . He thought he was in Rome .

  When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Scotti thought maybe they were held up (阻拦) by heavy traffic . While looking for their addresses, Mr. Scotti found that the old “Rome” had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones.

  He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian and that many street signs were written in English .

  Mr. Scotti knew very little English, so he asked a policeman (in Italian) the way to the bus station . He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language .

  After twelve hours'travelling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policemen . He asked the policeman why the Rome police employed (雇佣) so many people as policemen speaking English instead of Italian .

  Mr. Scotti didn't believe he was in New York when he was told so .

  To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, he was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens (警报) on. “Look,” said Scotti to his interpreter (翻译) , “I know I'm in Italy . That' s how they drive . ”

1.When Mr. Scotti arrived at the airport, nobody met him because ________.

[  ]

A.he was in New York

B.he wanted to leave the U. S.

C.policemen could help him

D.both A and B

2.In what direction (方向) did the plane fly when Mr. Scotti went to Italy from the U. S. ?

[  ]

A.To the east.
B.To the south.
C.To the west.
D.To the north.

3.Why was Mr. Scotti so sure that he was in Rome?

[  ]

A.Because he traveled a lot.

B.Because he knew little about the U. S.

C.Because he knew little about Italy.

D.Because he didn 't travel much.

4.At last, Mr. Scotti ________.

[  ]

A.knew he did something wrong

B.still thought he was in Rome

C.knew he was wrong

D.knew he was at home

5.How many people do the same things as Mr. Scotti did?

[  ]

A.Nobody but Mr. Scotti made this kind of mistake .

B.Many people make this kind of mistake .

C.Few people make this kind of mistake.

D.50% of people will make the same mistake .


  A man was trying to find the village of Chirton. He could not find any sign for it so he decided to drive up to a farmhouse and ask a farmer for directions.

  He soon came to the entrance to a farm. Above the gate there was a sign: Please close the gate.

  The man knew this meant there were cows in the fields, so he was very careful to close the gate after him.

  Before long he came to another gate. This, too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Once again he got out of his car, opened the gate, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back into his car and drove on.

  It wasn't long before he came to a third gate. This, too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Again the man got out of his car, opened the gate, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back into his car and drove on.

  He did this five times before he reached the farmhouse. Fortunately(幸运地), the farmer was standing at the door.

   “What can I do for you?”he asked the man.

   “I'm looking for Chirton. Do you know where it is?”

  “Sorry,”the farmer said. “I've only been here a few weeks. I don't know the area(地区).”

  The man thanked him, and drove back to the road. On the way he had to open and close five gates.

  When he reached the road he looked back at the farm. He could see the farmer waving(挥手) him. “Ah!”he thought, “He's remembered where Chirton is.”

  He turned around, stopped his car, got out, opened the gate, drove through, stopped the car, got out, closed the gate, got back in the car and drove off. He had to do this four more times before he reached the farm.

   “Have you remembered where Chirton is?”he asked the farmer. “No,” the farmer replied(回答), “but I asked my wife. She doesn't know either. ”

1.Why did the man go to a farmhouse?

[  ]

A.He was hungry.
B.He did not have a map.
C.He was looking for Chirton.
D.He wanted to rest.

2.Why did it take the man a long time to reach the farmhouse?

[  ]

A.It was a long way from the road.

B.There were no signs to it.

C.He had to open and close many gates.

D.He had to walk.

3.How long had the farmer lived there?

[  ]

A.Less than a month.
B.A few days
C.A few months.
D.The story doesn't tell us.

4.Why did the farmer call the man back?

[  ]

A.Because he remembered where Chirton was.

B.Because his wife had remembered where Chirton was.

C.For no reason.

D.He wanted to tell him that his wife did not know whereChirton was.


  A man was trying to find the village of Chirton. He could not find any sign for it so he decided to drive up to a farmhouse and ask a farmer for directions.

  He soon came to the entrance to a farm. Above the gate there was a sign: Please close the gate.

  The man knew this meant there were cows in the fields, so he was very careful to close the gate after him.

  Before long he came to another gate. This, too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Once again he got out of his car, opened the gate, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back into his car and drove on.

  It wasn't long before he came to a third gate. This, too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Again the man got out of his car, opened the gate, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back into his car and drove on.

  He did this five times before he reached the farmhouse. Fortunately(幸运地), the farmer was standing at the door.

   “What can I do for you?”he asked the man.

   “I'm looking for Chirton. Do you know where it is?”

  “Sorry,”the farmer said. “I've only been here a few weeks. I don't know the area(地区).”

  The man thanked him, and drove back to the road. On the way he had to open and close five gates.

  When he reached the road he looked back at the farm. He could see the farmer waving(挥手) him. “Ah!”he thought, “He's remembered where Chirton is.”

  He turned around, stopped his car, got out, opened the gate, drove through, stopped the car, got out, closed the gate, got back in the car and drove off. He had to do this four more times before he reached the farm.

   “Have you remembered where Chirton is?”he asked the farmer. “No,” the farmer replied(回答), “but I asked my wife. She doesn't know either. ”

1.Why did the man go to a farmhouse?

[  ]

A.He was hungry.
B.He did not have a map.
C.He was looking for Chirton.
D.He wanted to rest.

2.Why did it take the man a long time to reach the farmhouse?

[  ]

A.It was a long way from the road.

B.There were no signs to it.

C.He had to open and close many gates.

D.He had to walk.

3.How long had the farmer lived there?

[  ]

A.Less than a month.
B.A few days
C.A few months.
D.The story doesn't tell us.

4.Why did the farmer call the man back?

[  ]

A.Because he remembered where Chirton was.

B.Because his wife had remembered where Chirton was.

C.For no reason.

D.He wanted to tell him that his wife did not know whereChirton was.


  How many of us have looked up at the stars and wondered about other worlds?Of course,we know a great deal about the universe now but for people living thousands of years ago,the stars were a mystery(神秘的事物).Astrology(占星术) is one of the world's most ancient (古代的) ideas.It started 3,000 years ago and was used to predict (预言) what would happen to countries and to people in the future.

  Horoscopes and astrology were developed by the ancient Greeks.They believed that the position(位置) of the sun and the planets could affect a person's life and what would happen to them in the future.Astrology is actually a Greek word that means“science of the stars”.Even famous Greek thinkers like Plato thought astrology was important and he studied it carefully.Later Europeans thought that Plato was a genius so they continued to follow his ideas about the stars.

  Some people think that farmers started the horoscope to help them decide when to plant and harvest their crops.They needed to know what time of the year it was.For example,Scorpio can only be seen in the evening sky in the summer.Some historians (历史学家) think that many of the myths (神话) associated with star signs were invented to help farmers remember cultures.People who spent their lives moving from one place to another,like the Mongols,used the stars to tell them when and where to go.

  The Catholic Church(教堂),which was very powerful a long time ago,told people not to take notice of horoscopes.It was not until the seventeenth century that people were able to freely use the horoscope again.Today many people think the horoscope is just fun but some people take it very seriously.


What did people long ago know about the stars?

  A.How far away they were.  B.How many there were.

  C.Not very much.D.That they were not real.

[  ]


Which best describes how old astrology is?

  A.It is a recent idea.  B.It is a very old idea.

  C.It is modern idea.D.It is something from the future.

[  ]


What did later Europeans think about Plato?

  A.That he was really clever.

  B.That he was able to tell them what would happen in the future.

  C.That he was a star.

  D.That he should be ignored in the seventeenth century.

[  ]


What might astrology have started for?

  A.Farmers needed to know when to move.

  B.Farmers needed to know when to rest.

  C.Farmers needed to manage their crops.

  D.Farmers needed to study.

[  ]


Why were myths for the horoscope invented?

  A.To make them more fun.  B.To sell newspapers.

  C.To help people remember them.D.To make them easier to see.

[  ]
     Sidney didn't have a girl friend and no one wanted to go out with him. He wasn't very tall and he didn't have a car,
either. All the girls that he knew liked tall men with cars. So Sidney sent two dollars and a self-addressed envelope
(写上自己地址的信封) to Computer-date (计算机红娘). After a few days he received a letter: "Find love at last..."
They also sent him the names and addresses of six girls. "Six girls who are waiting to meet you!"
     Sidney rushed to the phone. He phoned Amanda Shelling. She was at the top of his list.
     "How lovely! " she said, "Will you come for me in your car?"
     Sidney put the phone down quietly.
     Then he rang Deborah Basil.
     "How lovely!" she said, "I'll meet you at the bus stop outside my house."
     "How nice!" Sidney thought.
     At half past seven Sidney put on his best clothes. He didn't brush his hair because he liked it " natural (自然的)",
then he walked to the bus stop. A girl was standing by the stop looking at her watch.
     "Excuse me," said Sidney. "Are you Deborah Basil?"
     "Are you Sidney Shooter?" she asked after a minute.
     "Yes, that's right," said Sidney with a smile.
     "There's some mistake," she answered. "I'm not Deborah Basil."
1. Why didn't Sidney have a girl friend?
A. Because he was poor.
B. Because he never went out with girls.
C. Because he wasn't very tall and he didn't have a car.
D. Because he never wanted to have one.
2. When Sidney received the letter, he felt __________.
A. happy
B. interested
C. lonely
D. sad
3. Why did Sidney stop talking with Amanda Shelling?
A. Because he didn't think she was beautiful.
B. Because the telephone line was busy.
C. Because he didn't want to see her.
D. Because he had no car.
4. The girl standing by the bus stop was __________.
A. Amanda Shelling
B. Deborah Basil
C. Sidney's girl friend
D. Miss Shooter
5. Why did the girl say "I'm not Deborah Basil"?
A. Because she was really not Deborah Basil.
B. Because she did not want to become Sidney's friend.
C. Because Sidney was not polite.
D. Because there was some mistake.

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