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Hi! Do you know the three children? They are in a happy family. Xiaoxue is beautiful. She is also a hardworking girl. She likes studying. She studies very well. She gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly. Then she rides her bike to school. Liu Xing is a little lazy. He gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry. Then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast. He usually plays basketball after school. In the evening, he seldom does homework. He goes to bed late. Xiaoyu is a lovely boy. He gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower(淋浴)before breakfast. His father often drives him to school. He likes watching TV in the evening.

1.How does Xiaoxue go to school?

2.Does Liu Xing have breakfast every day?

3.What does Xiaoyu usually do before breakfast?

4.Who likes playing basketball?

5.What do you think of their family?


In his book The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman explains that we give and receive love in five ways. Each way is a “love language”. When two people speak different love languages, they can be unhappy because they don’t understand each other. To form strong relationships, we need to understand how we express love and how people we love express their love, too. So, what are the five love languages?

1. Words of affirmation This love language uses words to show love. “I love you”, “You look good in that dress”, “You can always make me laugh”...

2. Quality time It means giving someone our full attention. Not watching TV together, but talking and listening to each other. Or just going out for a walk together.

3. Receiving gifts A present tells us: “He (or she) is thinking about me.” The gift does not have to be expensive, perhaps their favorite chocolate or a beautiful leaf you found.

4. Acts of service “________A__________” People speaking this love language do things for you, for example: helping you with the heavy work, getting you a cup of hot tea, singing a song to relax you, etc.

5. Physical touch Patting shoulders, holding hands, hugs...without these, people who speak a “physical touch language” will feel unloved.

We all are loved, but sometimes we just don’t know it. That’s because we don’t understand other people’s love languages. But it’s good to start with yourself. Do you know your own love language?

1.What should you do to feel yourself loved according to the passage?

A.Give others more help B.Send others more gifts

C.Know others’ love languages D.Hold hands with more people

2.You can express your love to someone by doing the following things EXCEPT ________.

A.You send your best friend a birthday card made by yourself with your best wishes.

B.You kiss your mom when you go back home from school.

C.You listen to your grandpa telling the same old story again and again.

D.You tell your friend that she doesn’t look good in that shirt.

3.What are “words of affirmation” like?

A.They are encouraging and positive. B.They are disappointing and negative.

C.They are exciting and surprising. D.They are meaningless and heartless.

4.What can be put in ____A______ ?

A.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

B.Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.Actions speak louder than words.

D.Practice makes perfect.

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