Getting the chance to hold a butterfly is a truly magical experience. Butterflies are sky, so you should consider yourself lucky if you get one to stay on your hand. Holding butterflies requires great care.

Wash and dry your hands. Chemicals will do harm to butterflies’ scales (鳞片), wings, and bodies. So if you put on any sunscreen (防晒霜) before you go off to catch your butterfly, wash it off under the running water before touching them.

Use sugar water. Butterflies have a sweet tooth. You may be able to get a butterfly to land on you without a net by making butterfly nectar. You can make butterfly nectar by mixing 4 parts water and I part sugar together. While watching butterflies near flowers or plants, put a little bit of the sugar water on your hand. They may soon be attracted by the sweet smell and fly to your hand to feed.

Remain very still. Butterflies are very skittish and will get frightened (惊吓) easily. If you want one to land on your hand and stay there for a while, be still and avoid any sudden movements.

Be careful when holding a butterfly. While the butterfly is sitting on your hand, avoid petting it. Just try to watch its beauty without touching. Butterfly’s wings are covered in tiny scales. These scales give them their wing patterns (图案), and make them more aerodynamic (流线型的) when flying. When you touch their wings, they lose scales. If they lose these scales, they can still fly. However, the more scales they lose, the less aerodynamic they will be when flying.

1.How many suggestions does the writer give on holding a butterfly?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

2.What’s the reason for washing hands before holding a butterfly?

A.Because butterflies like clean hands.

B.Because it can stop people getting sick.

C.Because sunscreen keeps butterflies away.

D.Because sunscreen is harmful to butterflies.

3.Butterfly nectar is probably a kind of ________.

A.plant B.magic C.water D.Body.

4.What is important for a butterfly to fly aerodynamically according to the last passage?

A.Scales. B.Wings. C.Wing patterns. D.Body.

5.What can be the best title of this passage?

A.Magical Experience with Butterflies. B.Advice on Holding a Butterfly.

C.Fun of Playing with Butterflies. D.Ways of Holding a Butterfly.

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