
为了全体学生的安全,学校每年都要组织一次“消防安全演练”,如果发生到火灾时,我们正好在室内,这时我们应该采取一些什么样的自救措施呢?哪些方法我们又不应采用呢,请根据提示发挥想象以How to Protect us from fire为题写一篇80词左右的短文,开头已给出,不计入总词数。(7分)
提示词:keep calm, call 119, turn off the gas and lights cover face, and leave the building, take the lift jump off
If a fire happens suddenly when we are in the room. We must do the following things: ______

How to Protect us from fire
If a fire happens suddenly when we are in the room, we must do the following things:
Firstly, we should keep calm. It is very important to keep calm. We can’t shout loudly and run in panic. Secondly, we must call 119 immediately. It’s very dangerous to put out the fire by ourselves. Then, we can turn off the gas and lights. It is helpful to prevent the fire being more serious. On the way to leave the room, we can use wet clothes or towels to cover faces, because they can stop the smoke entering into our noses and mouths. And there is one thing more we must remember. We mustn’t use the elevator to leave the building, because the fire may cause something wrong with the elevator.

试题分析:这是一篇命题作文。题中给出了问题主题和一些提示词。在写作时,可审清题意,组织好文章结构。例如可使用firstly, secondly等词语,使文章结构更清晰。另外,一些连词的使用也可以加强文章的逻辑。
【亮点说明】这篇文章结构严谨,表达准确流利,文中用到的Firstly首先;Secondly第二;Then接着等词语,使结构非常清晰。另外用到了很多有用的表达方式,例如句型it is+形容词+ to do sth.; It is very important to keep calm.保持冷静是很重要的;It’s very dangerous to put out the fire by ourselves.我们自己去扑火是很危险的;It is helpful to prevent the fire being more serious.这对阻止火势的蔓延是有帮助的。

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