
Volunteering means that you work to help people without being paid. There are many different volunteers. They help people who really need help. There are many places where you can be volunteers. Here are just a few places for you.

Hospital---ask if you can go and visit people who are really sick. Sometimes what they need is someone to talk to, or someone to give them hope

Orphanage (孤儿院) ---the children living there really need someone to play with them.

Food Shelter(救助站)---many food shelters need people to clean up the shelters and help give out food or water to those who need it.

Seniors’ Home (敬老院) ---help the elderly people clean up their homes.

Community (社区) Center ---a lot of community centers are very well run. However, some of them really need extra help, especially cleaning and repairs.

As a student you can also do a lot of things to help others at school. Maybe you could start a support group. Here is some advice:

Help students give up smoking, drinking or other bad habits.

Help students who come from poor families.

Help new students get used to their school life soon.

Provide graduating students with information on future studies.

1.Volunteers don’t want to get ________ when they help others.

A.everything        B.money            C.some presents      D.a job

2.How many places are mentioned for you to be volunteers in according to this passage?

A.Six               B.Five              C.Four             D.Three

3.The volunteers can ________ in the community center.

A.give the sick person hope

B.give out food or water to the people who need it

C.play with the children in orphanage

D.clean up the yard

4.From the passage, you know the following volunteer jobs can be done at school except _______.

A.helping students who come from poor families

B.helping the students who have bad habits

C.helping the student to copy others' homework

D.helping the students in trouble with their studies









1.根据第一段Volunteering means that you work to help people without being paid.描述,可知选B。


3.根据Community (社区) Center ---a lot of community centers are very well run. However, some of them really need extra help, especially cleaning and repairs.描述,可知选D。

4.根据As a student you can also do a lot of things to help others at school. Maybe you could start a support group. Here is some advice:下文描述,可知志愿者的工作不包括帮助学生抄作业,故选C。




Conor Grennan was unwilling to be a volunteer(志愿者). The 29-year-old American was not sure if he had the skills or a strong feeling for it.
However, he went to work at an orphanage(孤儿院) in Nepal. His first thought was to make people impressed.
"I thought that if I volunteered just once. I could retell the story over and over," Grennan said in a Huffington Post article.
However, his three-month stay it the orphanage turned into in unusual experience. It was 2004 and Grennan had given up his job to begin a year-long around-the-world trip, His first three months were spent in Nepal.
When he arrived in the village, he knew nothing about the children or the local culture. When he opened the gate of the Little Princes Children's Home, he was faced by the excited children.
The young American ended up caring for 18 children. He later discovered that they were trafficked(被拐卖的)children. So he walked through the mountains with great difficulty to find the kids' families, "I started walking with photos of the kids." he told the Reuters reporter. "I would show up in villages and show photographs around. I went with 24 photos, and I found 24 families."
At the same time, he put his heart into Nepalese culture.
Grennan said, “Volunteering is the single best way to see how the rest of the world lives.”
He also encouraged others to do what he had done. He believes that volunteering needs only making decisions to show up.
Grennan's fight against child-trafficking has changed him. His book, Little Prince, came out last week.
【小题1】At first, Grennan simply wanted to _______by volunteering in Nepal.
A.write travel stories B.learn the skills
C.help the kids thereD.impress people
【小题2】When Grennan came to the Little Princes Children’s Home. _______.
A.18 children were ill in bedB.the children there felt excited
C.he decided to give up his job D.he’d lived in Nepal for a year
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that Grennan _______.
A.found the kids’ families easily B.was good at taking pictures
C.wrote the book Little Princes D.asked others to go to Nepal
【小题4】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Volunteer changes a lotB.Volunteer is with the kids
C.Volunteer becomes a writer D.Volunteer travels in Nepal
Steven Cleaver has some outdoor activity ideas for families. The activities will drive your family’s sadness away. Steven is the Executive Director(执行理事)of Horizons for Youth, an organization in Massachusetts that has worked on children’s enviromental education for more than 60 years.
We asked Steven to share some outdoor activities that families can do together. Here’s what he told us.
Going to a nature center---In State Audubon societies, there are usually smaller nature centres. Naturalists are ready to answer kids’ questions so parents don’t need to worry about teaching the subject matter themselves.
Hiking---Going on a hike is a great way to go outdoors and get some exercise. State parks can offer free paths to hike along and many fields to explore.
Gardening--- Gardening is a wonderful family activity. Not only can the whole family get involved, but everyone can benefit from the harvest. Since it’s winter, you might just start with a family plan for the garden. The garden can be a cooperative effort where parents can teach their children teamwork. Assign tasks to each family member. Who plans? Who waters?
Fruit picking---It’s a great seasonal outdoor activity. Children get to see how fruits grow and everyone gets to enjoy the fruits which they pick.
Cleaning up---Taking part in nature clean-ups or volunteering to do path maintenance(维护)teaches kids that they have the ability to do something positive for the environment and communities. When parents get involved, they can set a good example for their children to follow, which will help children realize their responsibility to protect the environment.
【小题1】 Will the outdoor activities drive your family’s sadness away?
【小题2】 Who will answer kids’ questions in nature centres, naturalists or parents?
【小题3】 Which places can offer free paths to hike along?
【小题4】What is a great seasonal outdoor activity?
【小题5】What can children learn from these outdoor activties ?

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