
Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can't sleep at night? Then you cannot pay enough attention during a test or to your study.If so, then you know that is stress.You are worried too much about something.The bad feeling

in your mind can make you angry, sad, or scared, and can even give you a stomachache or a headache.

However, some kind of stress is good. Excitement might happen when you are called to give a speech at school.You feel nervous but excited.This kind of stress can help you to get things well done.And you may do a better job in your test if the stress pushes you to prepare more beforehand.

On the other hand, bad stress can last long if you are unable to come over your problems.You may not feel well, if your parents are having a quarrel, if a family member is badly ill, if you're doing poorly at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy.That kind of stress isn't going to help you.And it can actually let you do worse in your daily life.

The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life.Make sure you get enough sleep and eat properly.Have some regular exercise.You should spend some time for fun.Get advice from your parents, teachers and friends.Soon after that, you'll probably get away with your stress.

Face the Stress

Meaning of stress

Stress is a feeling if you 1. too much about something that you cannot solve.

Possible sffect

You may feel 2. in your mind and body.

Different kinds

Good stress

·You might feel excited when you speak in public.

·You will do the job well.

·It makes you 3. well before doing an important job.

Bad stress

Stress can last long if you are unable to come over your problems, It can actually let you do 4. in your daily life.

How to keep stress away

Keep a 5. life in mind.They are sleep, food, exercise, time for fun and talking with others.

Every year, there are many people going home by long-distance buses during the Spring Festival and the Tomb-sweeping Day. There are more walkers on their way home or to work on the roads. So there are more and more traffic accidents on the roads. Thanks to the efforts of the traffic police, it is said this year the number of traffic accidents across China was 25.2 percent fewer than the year of 2018 during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day.

Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival. It is an important occasion for Chinese to honor their ancestors(祖先). Most people go home in memory of their ancestors on that day. About 9.78 million Chinese visited cemeteries to honor their ancestors or relatives during the holiday. A few people also spent the three-day holiday on leisure trains. So transportation safety is a big problem.

On the other hand, it is said Chinese have made 112 million trips during the holiday, up 10.9 percent from last year’s holiday. For the traffic accidents, some people lost their lives. This year, traffic accidents caused 10 deaths during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day.

The fewer traffic accidents are all from the efforts of the police and our government. With the development of society and the government’s efforts, I believe everything will change better.

1.Why are there more traffic accidents during the holidays?

A.Because people have to go home for the holidays. B.Because people want to honor their ancestors.

C.Because people hurry to work after the holidays. D.Because there are more people on the roads.

2.During the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day, the number of traffic accidents was about ________ fewer than 2018.

A.24.2% B.25.2% C.26.2% D.27.2%

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “cemeteries”?

A.墓地 B.教堂 C.景点 D.溶洞

4.Which one is correct according to the passage?

A.Tomb-sweeping Day is different from Qingming Festival.

B.About half of Chinese honor their ancestors on Qingming Festival.

C.More and more people like traveling during their holidays.

D.Most traffic accidents happened on the Tomb-sweeping Day.

5.Where can you read the passage?

A.In a guide book. B.In a newspaper. C.On a story website. D.On a science website.

Just for today I will be happy. I quite agree with Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the US. He said, “Most people can be as happy as they hope to be in their mind.” ________ is from inside. It is not a matter of outside.

Just for today I will take care of my ________. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, so that it will be a ________ machine for my building. I plan to run for an hour every morning, and play basketball three or four times a week. ________ it is possible, I will join a basketball team and train myself there too.

Just for today I will try to strengthen my ________. I will learn something useful and meaningful. I will keep reading as part of myself. I will choose ________ to read, especially books that need thought as often as I can, because reading is like a key that can ________ my mind to the outside world. It nourishes me deeply and ________ me a full man.

Just for today I will have a plan. I will write down ________ I expect to do every day first. And then I will begin ________ a very small thing, such as getting up on time. I may not follow it ________ the same as I have expected, but I am sure that I will have it. ________, a good plan is half done.

Just for today I will be ________ enough to enjoy myself. I will not be afraid to be happy, and to enjoy what is beautiful. I will not be afraid to love and to believe that those I love also love me. I’ll value every moment that will be ________ with my parents, my children and my friends. And I will say “I love you” loudly to them. Never keep my love as a ________.

Just for today I will start my new journey and enjoy life as well.

1.A.Agreement B.Happiness C.Friendship D.Communication

2.A.pet B.kid C.body D.house

3.A.noisy B.heavy C.simple D.perfect

4.A.If B.Till C.Unless D.Whether

5.A.mind B.pride C.power D.memory

6.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

7.A.put up B.open up C.make up D.clean up

8.A.calls B.makes C.writes D.expresses

9.A.that B.what C.which D.where

10.A.by B.at C.with D.through

11.A.mainly B.exactly C.recently D.suddenly

12.A.Instead B.Finally C.Anyway D.However

13.A.brave B.careful C.nervous D.worried

14.A.spent B.wasted C.missed D.offered

15.A.doll B.poem C.secret D.painting

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