Read how Sofia writes a composition.

1.The weekend before she has to give it to the teacher, she sits on her own in the kitchen. First, she looks at the title and thinks a lot.
2.Then she writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper, in no particular order. She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary and writes those down.
3.Then she has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.
4.The next day she looks at what she wrote. She adds some more ideas. Then she decides how to order her ideas. She starts to write.

5.There are some words she’s not sure about so she looks them up in her dictionary.
6.When she has finished writing, she reads carefully through her composition. She crosses some things out and changes one or two sentences.
7.Then she looks back at her notes from other written work. She makes sure she hasn’t made any of the same mistakes.
8.Finally, she writes out her composition onto a clean piece of paper and puts it in her bag.
【小题1】What does Sofia do first before she writes the composition?
A.She looks at the title and thinks a lot.
B.She has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.
C.She writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper.
D.She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary.
【小题2】When she meets some words she’s not sure,        .
A.she writes them downB.she looks back at her notes
C.she crosses some things outD.she looks them up in the dictionary
【小题3】From the passage we can know Sofia is a        .

Learning English grammar and English vocabulary can be hard enough, but trying to understand English sayings can be more difficult. Some are just hard to figure out and others don’t make any sense at all. Here are four funny English sayings that you can use every day.

I’m happy as a clam().

Think of a clam. It doesn’t have to do anything. It just sits on a beach or on the bottom of the ocean all day doing nothing. It never has to work. That sounds like happiness, doesn’t it? If someone asks, “How are you today?” you can answer “I am happy as a clam” to let him or her know what a great mood you are in.

I wouldn’t touch that (or him/her) with a ten-foot pole.

Maybe there is a person who you don’t want to be friends with or even talk to. Well, this saying means that you dislike him or her so much that you don’t want to touch or go near him or her, even within ten feet!

You don’t have a leg to stand on.

?? This saying doesn’t mean that the person you’re talking to has no legs. It means that his or her argument is incorrect. He or she doesn’t have a leg to stand on because he or she has no facts to support what he or she is saying. This saying is a good way to tell people that you think they’re wrong.

??? Break a leg!

??? This saying actually means the opposite of what it sounds like. If you tell this to a person, you’re wishing him or her good luckThe saying comes from a superstition(迷信) that whatever you say aloud, the opposite will come true.

1.The first paragraph mainly tells us____________________.

A.learning English grammar is hard

B.learning English vocabulary is hard

C.we should use English sayings every day can be harder to understand English sayings

2.Which of the following is TRUE about a clam?

A.It can be used to show happiness.????? B.It needs to do many things.

C.It needs to eat a lot.???????????????? D.It can only live on the beach.

3.The saying “I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole” means___________.

A.I hate him.????????????????????? B.I want him to be my friend.

C.I like him.?????????????????????? D.I want to argue with him.

4.We can learn from the passage that______________________.

A.the saying “You don’t have a leg to stand on” means someone loses his legs

B.the saying “Break a leg” means someone hurts his or her leg

C.if we say “Break a leg” to someone, we give him or her a good wish

D.if we say “I am ill” aloud, we will become healthy


It’s Saturday. Han Ling has no classes today. She wants to buy a new dress. Her mother is at work, so she is going to the shop with her father. They go there by car. But her father doesn’t like going shopping, so Han Ling does the shopping and her father sits in the car and waits for her.

There are a lot of people in the shop. It is very crowded. Han Ling looks at the clothes and chooses from them. Her father waits and waits. About an hour goes by(流逝),Han Ling doesn’t come out. Her father is worried about her. “Why does she stay in the shop for so long?” He comes out of the car. Just then(正在这时), a man comes up to him. “Excuse me,are you Han Ling’s father? ” “ Yes.” “ Han Ling is wating for you. She doesn’t have enough money.” “ Oh, I see.”

Then he follows(跟随) the man into the shop. Han Ling is very happy to see her father. She chooses a nice green dress. After her father pays the money, they go home together.


1.Who does Han Ling go shopping with?


2.What does Han Ling’s father do when she does the shopping?


3.Why does Han Ling do shopping for a long time?


4.Why is Han Ling happy when she sees her father?


5.What does Han Ling choose?



Read how Sofia writes a composition.

1.The weekend before she has to give it to the teacher, she sits on her own in the kitchen. First, she looks at the title and thinks a lot.


2.Then she writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper, in no particular order. She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary and writes those down.

3.Then she has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.


4.The next day she looks at what she wrote. She adds some more ideas. Then she decides how to order her ideas. She starts to write.

5.There are some words she’s not sure about so she looks them up in her dictionary.

6.When she has finished writing, she reads carefully through her composition. She crosses some things out and changes one or two sentences.

7.Then she looks back at her notes from other written work. She makes sure she hasn’t made any of the same mistakes.

8.Finally, she writes out her composition onto a clean piece of paper and puts it in her bag.


1.What does Sofia do first before she writes the composition?

A. She looks at the title and thinks a lot.

B. She has a sandwich and goes to watch TV.

C. She writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper.

D. She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary.

2.When she meets some words she’s not sure,        .

A. she writes them down         B. she looks back at her notes

C. she crosses some things out      D. she looks them up in the dictionary

3.From the passage we can know Sofia is a        .

A. driver       B. doctor           C. student     D. parent


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