
第二节 阅读填空

Do you know what a MOOC is? MOOC is short for Massive Open Online Course.

Thousands of people can take a MOOC at the same time. You can be anywhere in the world to take it. 1.

For years, many colleges have had classes online. MOOCs are always used in subjects like computer science and engineering. 2.

Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at a university in Canada. 3.He says, "When students take some lessons, they needn't be present to hear and get them.”He says more and more students in MOOCs can mean less communication between them and the teachers.

He also gives two ways to solve this problem-adding more teachers and making online discussion groups.

4.She says online education has more weaknesses for her subjects. She says, "What's lost in online education is face-to-face communication. But the teaching of literature needs that. 5. However, she believes that hybrid courses work best.”

A. He thinks MOOCs have both advantages and disadvantages.

B. All you need is a computer and the Internet.

C. Lisa Jadwin teaches literature and writing at a college in New York.

D. She says some students can learn very well from talks and discussion groups.

E. Can MOOCs be used in subjects like arts or philosophy(哲学)?


Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

As we set off on the boat to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the diving lesson began with instructions on how to breathe underwater. The breathing device connects to the oxygen tanks on our backs.. We put the other end in our mouths so that we can breathe through it. The instructor told us to breathe slowly and regularly through our mouths. We mustn't breathe too deeply or we'll use up all our air very quickly. After some practice in a swimming pool, ? was comfortable with it. Out here on the boat we put on the rubber diving suits. and slipped the webbed flippers onto our feet. Then, it was time to jump in!

I flipped over the side of the boat, and I slowly let the air out of my diving jacket. I sank beneath the surface and entered a whole new world. I had entered a colourful wonderland more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. There was peace and silence. The only sound I could hear was the bubbles from my device as I breathed underwater. We saw lots of colourful fish, coral (珊瑚) and an octopus (章鱼). A dolphin circled up and down and all around us.

As we went deeper, my ears hurt from the water pressure. Following the diving instructor’s advice, I swallowed to reduce the pressure. After a while, the instructor signaled us to go up. We had been underwater for 40 minutes! It felt like only five.

I wish I could go back to the feeling of being swallowed by the ocean. I wanted to live underwater forever. I felt like "a fish out of water".

1.The author is taking a ________ class.

A.swimming B.fishing C.diving D.breathing

2.How do you breathe through the breathing device?

A.You breathe through the mouth while diving. B.You breathe through the nose while diving.

C.You can breathe with it underwater and on land. D.You can breathe with it only in a swimming pool.

3.What creates the sound the author hears?

A.The fish swimming by. B.The motor of the boat above them.

C.The bubbles made by using the breathing device. D.The pressure of the water.

4.How did the author know when to go back to the surface?

A.The author ran out of air.

B.Her watch made a sound and told her to go up.

C.The fish swam away, and there was nothing left to see.

D.The instructor signaled everyone to go up to the surface.

5.Which word best describes the feeling of the author as she was diving?

A.Excited. B.Lost. C.Confused. D.Comfortable.

6.Why did the author say the 40 minutes underwater felt like five?

A.She enjoyed the time So much that it seemed to go by quickly.

B.She had a hard time breathing, so she was happy to get out quickly.

C.The time on her watch had stopped after five minutes.

D.Time passes more slowly underwater.

Mark and his brother Jamie rang their neighbour Mrs. gray's doorbell.

"Hi, Mrs. gray,”said Mark when she opened the door. "Would you like us to shovel(铲除)the _____in your yard?”

Shoveling the snow was Jamie's idea, a way to make enough _____ for a new video game. Mrs. gray put her hand on her heart. "That would be wonderful, boys. The work is too much for me."

"It will cost 10 dollars,”Jamie said.

"Oh dear,”Mrs. gray was a little disappointed. "I haven't been able to get to the bank. I can _____ home-made cookies, but I guess that's not what you had in mind. ”

Mark was going to say that Mrs. gray could pay them _____ time, but Jamie cut him off.

It still snowed _____. As they walked_____ the snow out of her yard. Mark suddenly thought of how she helped him last summer. She didn't look like a strong person, but_____ a big black dog had boxed him in a corner, her door flew open. She ran to him and stood between him and the dog. She ______ to hurry it away.

"It was nothing. Good _____ watch out for each other, don't they?”she said when Mark's parents thanked her.

And now Mrs. Gray needed Mark as much as he'd needed her last summer. Mark smiled and began to shovel the snow. Jamie got surprised and______”What are you doing? It will take you all day. No money!"

Mark explained, "Nobody will pay us if we only do things for money."

1.A.water B.snow C.leaves D.mud

2.A.things B.cookies C.machines D.money

3.A.keep B.buy C.offer D.eat

4.A.another B.last C.one D.second

5.A.easily B.simply C.heavily D.quickly

6.A.through B.near C.around D.across

7.A.if B.unless C.although D.when

8.A.talked B.spoke C.shouted D.sang

9.A.families B.neighbours C.classmate's D.parents

10.A.patient B.embarrassed C.scared D.angry


Now I’m in my second year at art school in Japan and I often dream about my future. I have big plans and I ’ d like to tell you a little about them.

My first plan is about my holiday. I am going to visit my brother,who is working in Malaysia. My parents and I are going to spend Thanksgiving with him. I am very excited about it.

When I come back,I need to make a final decision about which course I am going to study next year. I am still not sure -- I’m think of doing either clothes design(设计) or garden design.It is difficult because I’m interested in both clothes and gardens. If I choose gardening,I ’ d like to work with my friend, Jasper. He is talented in gardens and we worked together before.In fact, it was great fun and we got on with each other very well.

In five or ten years’ time I would like to have my own business(生意) and work for myself like my father. He has his own building business. I’ll probably take a business course after I finish art school.

Besides, I hope to marry and have children before I’m 30, but I can’t plan when I’ll meet the right person and I don’t have a boyfriend now.

In my dreams I see myself at 40 running a successful gardening company. I’ll design beautiful gardens for beautiful people.I’ll have a beautiful house with a swimming pool, two beautiful children, and of course a husband who is as successful as I am.Who knows, it could even be Jasper.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A.The writer’s dream. B.The writer’s family.

C.The writer’s School. D.The writer’s experience.

2.Where is the the writer’s brother now?

A.In Russia. B.In Canada. C.In Japan. D.In Malaysia.

3.What does the underlined word “It” refer to in Paragraph 3 ?

A.Having her own business and working for herself.

B.Studying both clothes design and garden design.

C.Choosing one from clothes design and garden design.

D.Thinking of a new way to design clothes and garden.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer already has a boyfriend named Jasper.

B.The writer thinks it is enjoyable to work with Jasper.

C.The writer expects to have children when she is forty.

D.The writer hopes to work for her father in the future.

Sixteen years ago a boy gave me an important gift. It was a ______.

It was the early autumn of my _____ year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. _____, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely, and ______ to make friends with anyone.

Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break. I could talk with ___ about my problems.

Then one day, my ______ were talking happily with their friends, but I was sitting at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He walked _____ me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile.

Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me _____ happy and warm. That smile ____ my life. I started to talk with _______ students and made friends. Day _______ day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.

One day I asked him why he smiled, _______ he couldn’t remember it at all!

It doesn’t matter _______ all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is ______ you think it is. If you think it is lonely, you _______ always be alone. So smile at world and it will smile back.

1.A.friend B.desk C.smile D.laugh

2.A.first B.second C.third D.last

3.A.At last B.As a result C.So far D.At once

4.A.nervous B.able C.frightened D.afraid

5.A.anybody B.somebody C.everybody D.nobody

6.A.teachers B.friends C.classmates D.neighbours

7.A.through B.past C.across D.towards

8.A.feel B.make C.have D.take

9.A.created B.changed C.destroyed D.chose

10.A.other B.any other C.another D.others

11.A.to B.for C.by D.in

12.A.and B.but C.so D.or

13.A.although B.when C.because D.while

14.A.why B.what C.how D.that

15.A.might B.could C.must D.should

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