

      Every year in English-speaking countries, people list the most popular names. Here are some examples.
In the United States at the moment the three most popular names for girls are Emily, Emma and Madison.
For boys, they are Michael, Joshua and Mathew. In Britain a parent today might call their little girl Grace,
Jessica or Ruby. If they have a little boy they could call him Jack, Thomas or Oliver.   
     In China names have very clear meanings. If a girl is called Mei, her name means "beautiful". If a boy is
called Wu, his name means "like a soldier". Names in English-speaking countries are like this too. The girl's
name Joy is probably partly chosen because the parents wish their daughter to be happy and bring joy to
others. If a girl is called Ruby, it may be because of the beautiful red precious (宝贵的) stone.   
     Parents often pick names that can be shortened (缩写). This can be confusing (困惑的) for Chinese
people. Parents might choose such names because they want to be able to speak to their kid in a personal
(私人的) way.   
     For example, a popular name is William. But William can be shortened to Will, Willy, Bill and Billy. The
same is true of the favorite old name for a girl, Elizabeth. Elizabeth can be shortened to Beth, Liza and Liz.   
     Another reason kids get the names they do is that parents want to name their boy or girl after someone
who is famous, such as an actor, pop star or sports personality. David is a popular name in Britain, partly
because of the fame (名气) of the footballer David Beckham.

1. The following are all popular names in U.S. at this moment EXCEPT            
[     ]
A. Emily    
B. Betty    
C. Emma    
D. Joshua
2. The name "Mei" in China means ______.
[     ]
A. joy    
B. beauty    
C. grace    
D. love
3. Parents in China may pick a name for their child because ______.
[     ]
A. The name can be shortened   
B. They want their child to be happy   
C. The name has a very good meaning   
D. They can call their child in a personal way
4. Chinese and western names ______.
[     ]
A. are totally (完全地) different   
B. are the same   
C. have some similarity (相同点)   
D. are not different
5. The name "David" is popular in Britain partly because          
[     ]
A. The name can bring good luck   
B. The name has a special meaning   
C. David Beckham is very famous   
D. The name can be shortened

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.
It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. king likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends' help he got a ticket a few days ago.
After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)a back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn't grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell onto the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King's beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, "Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!"
"Are you going to get off, sir?" asked the boy.
【小题1】Mr. King is a ___.

【小题2】Mr. King was going to watch the match because ___.
A.he teaches P.E. in a middle schoolB.he likes football very much
C.he had already got a ticketD.he didn't go to work yesterday
【小题3】It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because ___.
A.he had drunk too muchB.the bus was too small
C.he got on the bus too lateD.it was very crowded in the bus
【小题4】The boy gripped Mr. King's beard because ___.
A.he was afraid to fall againB.he wanted to make the man angry
C.he hoped the man to find a seat for himD.he hoped the man to get off soon
【小题5】Mr. King was afraid ___, so he shouted at him.
A.the boy would pull him downB.the boy would hurt his beard
C.the boy could be hurt againD.the boy would borrow his ticket

     E-book is short for electronic (电子的) book. It is usually read on personal computers. Some mobile
phones can also be used to read e-books.
     Earlier e-books were written for a specific group of readers and were about only a few subjects. With
the development of the internet, knowledge and answers to a lot of questions mainly come from e-books.
This is why the e-book business is increasing quickly.
     E-books have many advantages. First, they save time. We don't need to go to a bookstore to buy books,
besides, we can find the topic we want to know about on the Internet, and then we can quickly get many
e-books on similar topics. Second, e-books save money. Some e-books cost a little money, and there are
millions of e-books on the Internet that we can get for free. Third, more trees are saved because e-books
don't need to be printed(印刷) on paper. Fourth, e-books make reading more convenient. You can carry a
whole library of hundreds of books with you in a small computer or any e-book reader (电子阅读器)
without worrying about their weight.
     But e-books have certain disadvantages. They need a personal computer or an e-book reader and the
information can be lost if its file format (文件格式) is not supported or changed in the reader's computer.
     However, e-books provide us with a new way of reading. That is good.
1. Why is the e-book business increasing quickly? Because _____.
A. earlier e-books are about only a few subjects.
B. people don't like to read any paper books any more.
C. most e-books have been written for a specific group of readers.
D. the development of the Internet makes e-books more useful.
2. How many advantages do e-books have according to this article?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
3. Which of the following is true according to this article?
A. E-books can't be red on mobile phones.
B. All the e-books on the Internet cost lots of money.
C. E-books can make reading more convenient.
D. You can't read e-books without a personal computer.
4. What is the disadvantage of the e-books?
A. You'll lose the information if its file format is not supported.
B. You can carry hundreds of books in an e-book reader.
C. You can buy cheap e-books anywhere.
D. You can read e-books at any time.
5. The author mainly tells us _____.
A. you don't need to buy paper books in a bookstore if you read e-books.
B. the information can be lost if its file format is changed.
C. the development of e-books can help save the environment.