When I was eight years old, Mother told me to put my coat on because we were going somewhere ______. Usually, that meant we were going to see someone important. I would at least get a new toy. I asked which one it would be that day, and she told me that I would get something ______ than a toy. She said I would get “access (通道) to a world of toys.”

I had no idea what she meant. Did that mean we were buying a toy ______?

But we did not end up at any toy store. Neither did we finally see anyone we knew. ______, mother pulled her car into a parking lot in front of a building that looked like something out of the past. It didn't have a modern ______ at all.

We took stone steps up to the entrance. Only then I found out what this place was, because there was a sign that ______“Marcy Public Library”. We pushed the door open, and mother led me to the front desk. “I'd like to get my daughter a library card”, she told the man ______ the desk. He asked her to fill out a form. “What kind of books do you like to read?” he asked. I was too shy to ______. I only smiled. “Well, you’ll find it out in time,” he said.

I do not remember ______ I picked out that first day, but I know that in the years that followed I read through the books on history, books of poetry, and books about art. The library opened up a world that I ____ knew that day.

So my mother was right. Getting a library card was like getting access to a world of toys.

1.A.special B.strange C.lovely D.strict

2.A.worse B.better C.cheaper D.uglier

3.A.model B.car C.card D.store

4.A.Otherwise B.However C.Moreover D.Instead

5.A.smell B.look C.taste D.feeling

6.A.said B.printed C.spoke D.named

7.A.over B.above C.on D.behind

8.A.choose B.reply C.borrow D.scream

9.A.what B.how C.when D.why

10.A.ever B.always C.never D.already

Thanks to our mothers, we have sense in this world. Every day we have time to enjoy our life. Time is a very valuable thing. However, most of us don't________it until it's too late. When we are young, we feel that we will never________time. We don't count the seconds, minutes, and hours of the day because we know that________will bring more. We have so much that we feel we can easily afford to waste some of it.________of the common English expression, “wasting time” “filling in time” or even "killing time". We have________respect for time.

It is only when getting________that we begin to realize that time is a valuable treasure.________, we might find that we haven't made use of our time well. We discover that we________have enough time to do things we want. Just as adults need to spend their money on unpleasant things like taxes(税款)and bills, they also have to ________their time doing things that they might not really want to do-things that really make time boring.

The only way to get the most of the time we have is to live for today, and never put off till next day. If you don't want________to steal your time, just do it today. Life is a one-way journey. We must make use of every minute.


1.A.review B.realize C.refuse

2.A.go out of B.run out of C.get out of

3.A.yesterday B.today C.tomorrow

4.A.Think B.To think C.Thinking

5.A.a few B.little C.several

6.A.busier B.younger C.older

7.A.Suddenly B.Special C.Seriously

8.A.no problem B.no matter C.no longer

9.A.take B.spend C.cost

10.A.someone B.anyone C.no one

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