
A: Hi, Bill, do you know about National Inventors' Day?

B: No, I have never heard of it. 1.

A: On February 11th.

B: I remember the great inventor Thomas Edison was born on that day.

A: You're right and you have a good memory.

B: Thank you. 2.

A: Of course. There have been a lot of inventors in history. They made millions of inventions and some of them have changed the world.

B: In order to help remember these inventors, people named February 11th for National Inventors' Day, right?

A:3. But you made a mistake. It was Ronald Reagan, the President (总统) of the United States of America that named the date.

B: There must be many kinds of activities all over the world on that day.

A: You're right. Our school also celebrates National Inventors' Day.

B: 4.

A: Students show their own inventions. Some inventions are wonderful and exciting.

B: Sounds interesting. 5. Can I show them at your school?

A: No problem. You are more than welcome to.

A.You're very clever.

B.I like inventing small things, too.

C.How many inventions did it mention?

D.When is it?

E. Some inventions are useful.

F. How do you celebrate it?

G. Can you tell me how it got started


C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

‘‘Who am I?" Do you often ask this question? Knowing yourself may be one of the most difficult things in the world. But it's certainly w1. trying. You're sure to discover more about yourself after some unforgettable activities.

On March 20, 55 students told their stories on the topic of "The Time I Discovered or Freed Myself' at the 13th China Daily "21st Century Cup" National High School English Speaking Competition in Kaifeng, Henan.

The champion, Xia Xiaowen, 15, from Shanghai Foreign Language School talked about how she found her true interest in debating. Xia was a p2. student in her studies and often won first prize, but she had few hobbies in her spare time. However, she found her real passion (热爱的事物) after joining a debate tournament. "Debating changes me," Xia said. "I find real happiness in meeting wonderful arguments and knowing many students who s3. the same interest with me."

Third place Lu Yunsong found his brave side during a military training(军训). The 12-year-old from Beijing RDFZ Chaoyang School kept complaining u4. he saw a friend bravely overcome difficulties.-He chose to stick with it and finished the training proudly. "I've realized I'm not a little boy anymore," Lu said. "I'm a man, who is strong and brave."

"Growing up is a5. of knowing yourself," said Feng Feifei, global business development manager of BBC Learning English and one of the judges. "You may discover your potentials (潜力); you may also find the room for improvement."

Zhang Tianrui, from Zhengzhou Foreign Language School may agree with Feng. Once the 14-year-old took part in a Model United Nations meeting and found that there was a big difference

b6. him and excellent delegates(参赛代表). Although Zhang felt disappointed at the beginning, he was really thankful for the experience. "It w7. me up to work harder and improved myself," he said.

(2016四川达州中考) (浙江诸暨中学2014高一上期中) (2016北京朝阳初三期末)

My friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordered two cups of coffee. While we were waiting, two young men came in and began to order, “ __________ cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three there on the wall.” The waiter served them with respect (尊敬). They paid for their order, took the two and left. As soon as they left, the waiter __________ put three pieces of paper on the wall. We saw this with great __________.

Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Then came three lawyers who paid for seven coffees ---three for __________ and four suspended(待用). I really __________ what the suspended coffees were. Suddenly a man came into the coffee house. The way this man was dressed didn’t __________ the style(风格)of this coffee shop. He kindly ordered a coffee on the wall. The waiter served coffee to this man, showing him the same __________ as the other customers. The man had his coffee and left __________ paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper from the wall and threw it in the dustbin.

At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It’s simple---people pay the coffee in advance(预先) for someone who can’t __________ it. The tradition with the suspended coffees __________ in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. A suspended coffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and love to someone in need.

1.A. Two B. Three C. Five D. Seven

2.A. quickly B. rudely C. wisely D. properly

3.A. fear B. sadness C. anger D. interest

4.A. myself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves

5.A. checked B. wondered C. waited D. asked

6.A. change B. match C. show D. wear

7.A. respect B. courage C. custom D. result

8.A. in B. for C. with D. without

9.A. sell B. want C. buy D. afford

10.A. started B. built C. caused D. accepted

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