
If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about speed of reading?

Some people read very rapidly(快速地),while others read very slowly. But which one is better?

The rapid reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down enough to read directions carefully. He may read so rapidly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember.

The slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something. But he may spend too much time in reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered.

So, you see, either a rapid reader or a slow reader is not really a good one. If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about speed of reading.

1. Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, science and history books, and Maths problems. You must read such things slowly or remember each important step and understand each important idea.

3. Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends and bits of news from hometown papers.

4. In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.

1. Instruction books should be read .

A. slowly

B. rapidly

C. either rapidly or slowly

D. neither rapidly nor slowly

2..What should be read rapidly?

A. Directions for making something.

B. Maths problems.

C. Science and history books.

D. Storybooks, newspapers, personal letters, etc.

3. What is the important thing you should keep in mind about speed of reading?

A. To read as fast as you can.

B. To fit your reading speed to your needs.

C. To read as slowly as possible

D. To keep your reading at a certain speed.

4.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. Something about Careful Reading

B. Be a Rapid Reader

C. How to Read

D. How to Be a Slow Reader


Starting from this month, you won’t be hearing the word “NBA” on sports programs on CCTV. Instead, sport hosts will give the full Chinese name when they refer to the NBA – National Basketball Association. You also won’t hear any other English abbreviations(缩写式)on CCTV’s Chinese programs, such as GDP (gross domestic product) or WTO (World Trade Organization). You will hear their Chinese translations.

CCTV received a notice from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, telling it to avoid using English-language abbreviations in their reports to protect the “purity” of the Chinese language. A few other TV stations also received the notice.

Fu Zhenguo, an editor of People’s Daily, is one of the people who proposed(提议)the change. “Using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law,” he said. “Using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who don’t understand English. It will have a bad language influence on kids and teenagers.”

But some experts have a different opinion. Liu Yaoying, a professor at the Communications University of China, said the move shows cultural conservatism(保守主义). “If Western countries can accept some Chinglish(中国式英语)words, why can’t the Chinese language be mixed with English?” Liu said.

A lot of people have criticized the move, saying that it will cause problems for them.

“I understand what CD, VCD and DVD mean when I hear them. But I won’t know what the TV programs are talking about if I hear those products’ full Chinese names,” a person wrote in a BBS post. Following the same post, another person wrote jokingly: “I’m not listening to my MP3 now. I’m listening to my Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3.

Some people also question why CCTV is keeping its logo, since it is also an English abbreviation.

1. We can’t hear the English abbreviations from this month because___________.

A. no one can say the abbreviations

B. the abbreviations are useless

C. Chinese translations are easier to be understood.

D. the purity of Chinese should be protected

2. Which of the following is an abbreviation of an organization?


3.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “criticized”?

A. 阻止 B. 赞同 C. 表扬 D. 批评

4.From the passage, we know that.

A. Not all the people are satisfied with the move.

B. All the people are pleased with the move.

C. CCTV has given up its logo.

D. The Chinese language can’t be mixed with English .

5. The seventh paragraph shows

A. a bad language influe nce on kids and teenagers

B. it is unfair for our Chinese to use English abbreviations.

C. problems caused by not using the English abbreviations

D. cultural conservatism

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