
请以"My last holiday"为题,写一篇短文。内容包括:

1. Where did you go?

2. When did you go?

3. How did you get there?

4. How long did you spend there?

5. What did you do or see?

6. What was it like?






 On my last holiday went to Hawaii.My classmates LiZhi wei,QinChangping and I.First day,went to the beach took a bus.The QinChangping pulled out to a stong American and he won.The LZhiwei played  volleyball with two beautiful American girl but he lost.I swam with six sporsmans.My sawm was the best.

Next day.We saw a film in a big cinema.We had lunch in a big hotel and ate lots of shashliks.There shashilks were very nice.Afternoon ,we went to graeyard of  ZhangXue liang ,and took lots of photos.

 Third day.We stayed 5 hours in the beach.We played bolleyball with seven beautiful American girls.there  were only us there boys ,so we won to the girls.Afternoon ,we bought many books of ZhangXueliang in there.The books were very nice.I am  going to send  my friends.

  Next we took a plane to Beijing .I love Hawaii.










Tony 明天将和父母去度假,他给朋友李明留言。请李明帮忙照顾一下他的家。内容包括:打扫房间、照看狗、浇花等。请以Tony的名义写一封留言,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。(以下为稿纸)

Dear Li Ming,

My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I need your help.




2. 根据要求完成大作文,词数:60—80词。(共15分)

发明改变了世界,改变了我们的生活。 例如,电视经我们生活带来了许多变化和便利。请你以“Inventions"为话题,根据提示官屯一份值日生报告。 先介绍电视的用途,再发挥想象,说说你想要发明的东西,并说明用途和理由。


Good morning, everyone! Today I 'm going to talk about inventions.

Inventions are createed every day because people would like to make life easier. There are many famous inventions like TV.


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