
         Li Yuchun-everyone in China knows her name. She is famous as the winner of the 2005 Super
Girl. After the contest, Li became a full-time singer.    
         Last Saturday, the 25-year-old girl had her fourth Why Me concert in Guangzhou.      
         Dancing was the highlight (糈彩部分) of the  show. Li said she spent lots of time practicing.
Each day she worked for more than 10 hours. She worked so hard that her waist(腰部)began to hurt. 
         Li was on the cover of the Time Magazine Asia special issue of October 2005. She was named
one of "Asia's Heroes".        
         Li is an image ambassador (形象大使) for the Chinese Red Cross. Li and her fans have raised
over 5 million yuan to help children with leukemia(白血病).
1. Li Yuchun is famous as the winner of the         Super Girl.                    
A. 2006         
B. 2007           
C. 2005                 
D. 2008  
2. She had her fourth Why Me concert in _         .           
A. Shanghai     
B. Guangzhou      
3. Every day she worked for more than          hours.                   
A. 8                  
B. 10             
C. 12                    
D. 9
4. She was named one of "Asia's            . ”             
A. Heroes      
B. Singers     
C. Stars                
5. Li Yuchun and her fans have raised over        yuan to help children with leukemia.                 
A. 500,00              
B. 50,000,000          
C. 5 ,000 ,000      
D. 50,000
     In 1995, Ray Kroc visited a small restaurant in California. The owner of it was the Mc Donald
(麦当劳) brothers. They built it by the road, so people could drive up to the restaurant, buy food
without getting out of their cars and drive away easily. They callecl it "drive-in" restaurant.
     Ray Kroc saw the bright future of the restaurant of this kind. He bought the restaurant and used
the brothers' family's name for his new restaurant. The first Mc Donald's restaurant chain(连锁店)
was born.
     Now there are more than 5,000 restaurants in the United States and in 60 other countries. The
largest Mc Donald's restaurant is in Beijing, China. It has l,000 workers. About seven hundred
people can sit and eat there at one time.
1. Who opened the first Mc Donald's restaurant chain?
2. How do you buy food in a "drive-in" restaurant?
3. Why did Ray Kroc buy the two brothers' restaurant?
4. Where can we find a Mc Donald's restaurant?
5. How many people can sit and eat in the biggest Mc Donald's restaurant at onetrme?
          I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me,
a boy, meant play , play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom
and learning   something. However I hanged the way I used to behave at
school with the help  of my teachers. I tried my best to do well in  my
schoolwork and follow the school rules.   
        Growing and learning were great fun. Every year we had different
kinds of  school trips. Not only could we learn many things f'rom them,
but also we were  given many projects as homework. It helped us know
more. At the same time,we made many good friends. In Grade 8,I won
prizes in drawing and English speech competitions. When I was in Grade
9,I realized that l should give all my attention to studying to get into senior
middle school.   
    Whenever I think of my school life,I feel very happy and I think in
everybody's school life there are many ups and downs that influence his
life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share."School" 
 is not just a place,but a large building made up of rules, knowledge and
love.I think in everybody's success,    school plays a key(关键)role.I can
describe my school in "Three Ss". They   are: Small, Sweet and Simple.
My school was the best and will always be the best.
1.When did the writer start to go to school? 
2.Who helped the writer change the way he used to behave at school?
3.What does the writer think of the school trips?
4.What does the writer think plays a key role in everybody's success?
5.The writer describes his school in"Three Ss". What are they?

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