
  MrLi is from ChinaHe works in a  1  He is a teacher of EnglishHe isn't young and he isn’t  2  He is thirtyHe has a round face and short hairThere are forty-five students in his classHe likes his students and he likes his  3  too

  Now it is five o'clock in the afternoonLooksome students are  4  in the classroomMrLi is with themHe is helping them to study EnglishHe is a good teacher and he is a good  5   6  them

1. Afactory         Bhospital

 Cpolice station      Dschool

2. Astrong          Bold

 Ctall            Dshort

3. Awork            Bworks

 Cworking         Dteach

4. Asinging         Bworking

 Cdancing         Deating

5. Astudent         Bdoctor

 Cfriend          Dcleaner

6. Aof            Bat

  Cabout           Don





A:     Mr. Li is  1    old man. He 2    Shanghai.


B But he  3     English. He       things.


A Look, he  5   a machine. He      6    it like a bike and fly it like a plane.


B 7    it can fly?


A 8    .


(1) A the        Ba     Can      Done   

[  ]


(2) Acome from  

B is from  

    C doesn't comes from


D isn't coming from


[        ]


(3) A.    doesn't      speak  


Bisn't speak 


     C can't      speak 


Dcan speak


[      ]


(4) Alikes making 

Bis like making


      C like making 

D is like to make


[      ]


(5) Amakes


Bis making

            C is make 

Dwant to make


[      ]


(6)  Awants to ride  

Bis riding 


      C rides  


Dwant to rides


[      ]


(7)  AYou think 

B He thinks


      C Do you think 

D Does he thinks


[      ]


(8)   AI don't think 

B He doesn't think

         CI don't think so

D He is not thinking so

[        ]

It was Tuesday morning. Everyone was at school. But Ben was ______1__ . Li Lei told Mr

Wu that Ben was ill. Mr Wu said,“__2______ . Please tell him to look after ___3_____ and keep ____4____”

  ____5___ Wednesday morning Jim came to school. He asked Li Lei to help him ___6_____ his lessons. He said, “___7_____ TV too much and eating too much are bad for my health. I will study harder from now on and do six hours of ____8____ every _____9___ , and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day. Please give me more ___10_____ , will you? ”

( )1. A. off        B. away             C. in                D. on

( )2. A. I am sorry to hear that           B. I am glad to hear that

     C. It is very kind of you            D. It is very bad

( )3. A. herself     B. yourself           C. himself            D. itself

( )4. A. health      B. healthy           C. not ill             D. not bad

( )5. A. In        B. At                C. To               D. On

( )6. A. and        B. doing             C. with              D. does

( )7. A. Watching   B. To watches        C. Watches           D. Watch

( )8. A. exercises    B. eye exercises        C. sport             D. sports

( )9. A. day        B. week             C. month            D. year

( )10. A. helps      B. helping           C. things            D. he


Here is the bulletin board of Class 3. Some of the students put their notes on it. Please read them and answer the following questions.

I want to say thanks to Miss Li, our dear teacher. We couldn’t have a wonderful class without you.


Dear Mr Chen,

Please accept my best thanks. I have a lot of fun in your P.E. class.


Many thanks to John for helping me with Maths homework.


I am thankful to Bill for lending me books. I’ll remember to bring mine next time.


A thousand thanks to Alex. He always helps me clean the windows when I’m busy.


I’m thankful to know that I have so many kind students. I love you all.

             Miss Li

56. The Chinese meaning of "bulletin board" is _______.

  A. 电影广告           B.寻人启事         C. 公告栏           D. 通缉令

57. According to the notes on the bulletin board, what holiday might be coming?

  A. Christmas                            B. Halloween   

C. Thanksgiving                          D. New Year's Day

58. When Julia is busy, what does Alex always help her do?

A. To do math homework.                  B. To clean the windows.

  C. To have P. E. class together. D. To take books to school.

59. From the bulletin board, we know that Mr Chen is a ___________.

  A. repeater           B. P.E. teacher    C. doctor      D. pilot

60. Why does Bill lend books to Mario?

A. They are classmates.         

  B. Miss Li wants him to do so.

  C. Bill has too many books.

  D. Mario forgot to bring his books to school.

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