
There are many kinds of food in the world. Scientists learn a lot about them. They say that there are some kinds of food people must eat every day. For example, people must eat some green and yellow vegetables. We shouldn't eat too much meat.

People also need to eat some fruits, bread and rice. Of course our bodies need some water and milk. Scientists say people in different countries and different places eat different kinds of food. They cook food in different ways. Different people eat at different times. In one place, people eat once or twice a day. But in another place, people eat three or four times. The scientists say when to eat and how many times to eat are not important. What we eat is the most important thing.

Nowadays, the world faces two problems. People in some places, for example, in Africa, are not full. Many people are eating junk food. It's bad for people's health. So it's our duty to make everyone full and make everyone healthy.


1._______ know a lot about food according to the passage.

A.Farmers B.Cooks C.Scientists

2.Scientists think the most important thing about food is

A.when to eat B.what to eat C.how often to eat

3.Which of the following statements (陈述) is NOT true?

A.All the people in the world have enough food to eat.

B.Many people are eating unhealthy food.

C.Everyone is needed to help solve the two problems.

4.______is not good for our health.

A.Potato chips B.Bread C.Milk

5.We may read this passage in

A.a letter B.a story C.a health magazine

The traditional baths of Turkey(土耳其)

Hamams,or bath houses,are a traditional part of Turkish culture.They represent an important piece of Turkey's long history and serve as a window into the past.However,these bath houses are quickly _____ because of the changing habits of the Turkish people.

Hamams hold a strong place in the history of Turkey and many data back hundreds of years.Traditionally,all kinds of people went to hamams because Islam has strict laws for cleanliness.Believers must wash themselves _____,especially before their daily prayers(祷告).As most people in Turkey didn't have running water in their homes,the Hamam was the perfect place to get clean,relax,and catch up with friends.

Today,however,the tradition of going to the hamam is dying out for many young people.Now almost everyone has running water in their bathrooms,so they prefer to bathe at home._____,Turkish people are not going to hamams as often as they used to.These days,instead of relying on locals,many hamams are trying to attract foreign tourists.

A typical _____ at a hamam can last well over an hour.Visitors will be welcomed into entrance hall.There they will be able to relax with friends and chat over a cup of tea.They will also be able to change into the Turkish towel,which wraps around the waist like a skirt.When ready,visitors will head into the hot room.There they will lie on the hot floor and be scrubbed clean and massaged by one of the in﹣house masseurs or masseuses.Men and women always bathe separately(分开地),but their experiences are very_____.

Although many hamams are in danger of closing,they will always remain a part of Turkish culture.An experience in one of Istanbul's famous bath houses should not be _____ on any visit to Turkey.It will certainly leave you refreshed,relaxed,and squeaky clean for your next adventure.

1.A.developing B.disappearing C.setting up D.falling down

2.A.together B.again C.regularly D.immediately

3.A.In brief B.What's more C.For the time being D.As a result

4.A.process B.program C.case D.essential

5.A.familiar B.similar C.dramatic D.essential

6.A.missed B.gained C.shared D.described.

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