On June 28, my parents celebrated 70 years of marriage. Mum and Dad live in Calve. They have been through years of hard work and good times always supporting each other.

As a child, I remember my parents working side by side for spring, fall, winter, and summer cleaning or working in the yard, or painting, and wallpapering.

My parents bought a house in Eimont. They never believed they’d be able to own their own home, and to them, it was their castle. They worked hard to decorate it and kept it looking beautiful. They taught us to work hard and to enjoy everything we had.

Mom likes everything-sightseeing, clubs, anything. And everything Dad, even today, can't understand why she always wants to go out! Mom is still active with the Red Hatters women's group and her gardening club. Dad spoils her by taking care of the house, but also watches a lot of baseball and does jigsaw puzzles.

The key to their successful marriage is that they respect each other. With the help of my brother, they also stay current with new technology, Their latest acquisition is an iPad.

My brother, who is 67, and I (now 69),have always known we are lucky to have such great parents. They have shown us what love is, what hard work is, and what respect is all about.

My daughter and I try to see them almost every weekend when we play cards together and catch up on the week's news.

My parents are the glue that holds our whole family together, making holidays and ordinary days special to us all.

I know we are lucky to have them both, I even save all of their voice-mail messages, just so I'll have their voice to hear when they are not here, But Mom keeps telling us all she's certainly going to live to be 100. So we will have a few more holidays, birthdays, and memories to experience.

The secret to a happy1.

My parents just 2.70 years of marriage.

The key to my parent's successful marriage is that they3. each other.

They've been through years of hard work and good times always4. each other.

They always worked side by side in the yard and in the house.

5.Dad doesn't understand Mom's hobbies, he spoils her by taking care of the house. So she has time for her6., like sightseeing and clubs.

My parents are the glue that 7. our whole family.

Both my younger brother and I feel 8. to have such great parents.

My brother helps them stay current with new technology.

My daughter and I try to see them every weekend. We spend time 9. cards and catching up on the weeks' news.

My parents have shown us what love is, what hard work is, and what respect is all 10..

The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) has already made a number of people sick. Where did the virus come from? Scientists say it probably came from bats.

Bats can carry and transmit (传播) more than 60 viruses that can infect(传染) humans, Live Science noted. They include the world's deadliest viruses, such as Ebola and HIV. Because of their strong immune systems (免疫系统), bats are able to host these viruses and not get sick. At the same time, the viruses keep developing inside the bats to create new variants (变体). These variants can then infect new hosts, such as other wild animals.

Pangolins (穿山甲), for example, might be an intermediate host (中间宿主) for NCP, according to a recent study by Chinese scientists. This means that bats might have given the virus to pangolins, with pangolins then spreading it to humans.

Wild animals like snakes, hedgehogs (刺猬) and bamboo rats also carry different virus. But since they live in the wild, there should be little chance for humans to come into contact with them and get infected - unless the animals are eaten or used to make animal products. When people hunt, buy and eat wild animals, they can introduce viruses to the rest of the population.

But this doesn't mean that we should kill wild animals. Each species has a role in the ecosystem (生态系统) and all of them are important in keeping a natural ecological balance. The lesson we can learn from disease outbreaks is to protect animals and to live in harmony with them instead of hunting, killing, or eating them.

1.Why can bats host many viruses without getting sick?

A.Because these viruses are not deadly. B.Because they have strong immune systems.

C.Because the viruses are kept in balance. D.Because they can spread the viruses to other animals.

2.According to a recent study, humans might get infected with COVID-19 from _________.

A.pangolins B.snakes C.hedgehogs D.bamboo rats

3.What does the underlined word "harmony" in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.隔离 B.伤害 C.和谐 D.集中

4.According to the story, what lesson should humans learn?

A.Research more about wild animals. B.Exercise regularly to stay healthy.

C.Stop keeping animals as pets. D.Don't buy or eat wild animals.

Wang Xingyue, 14, Shnaghai: I don’t think we should set off firecrackers during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people set them off at midnight. People nearby can’t sleep well. It also creates air pollution and lots of rubbish. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays.

Liu Ran, I4, Shangdong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals. People set them off to celebrate or wish a happy new year. This is very important in our lives. It reminds us of the invention of gunpowder in ancient China. We can’t give it up.

Lin Yisong, 15, Zhejiang: I think we should control firecrackers. During holidays, the government could tell people to gather in one place. They can set off firecrackers and others can watch. It is safer to do this and people can still enjoy their holiday tradition.

Li Qiang, 14, Jiangsu: I think we can improve firecrackers. The firecrackers we use now are dangerous. That’s why we can’t set them off freely. But if we can make them safer and better for the air. We wouldn’t have to give them up.

Zhang Qi, 14, Hubei: Firecrackers are dangerous and bad for the air. I think we can use something else to replace them. For example, we can use LED firework instead. They are beautiful and safe. Even kids can play with them.

1.How many provinces (cities) are these teenagers from?

A.Three. B.Two. C.Five. D.Four.

2.What are the teenagers discussing?

A.Whether we should set off firecrackers. B.Ways to set off firecrackers.

C.What traditions we have for holidays. D.How to improve firecrackers.

3.What problems does setting off firecrackers cause?

a. It is noisy. b. It creates air pollution.

c. It wastes electricity. d. It creates rubbish

A.abc B.abd C.acd D.bed

4.Who most strongly agreed that people should still set off firecrackers?

A.Wang Xingyue. B.Liu Ran. C.Li Qiang D.Zhang Qi.

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