Health experts predict that soon, more people
will die from cancer than from AIDS, tuberculosis (结核病)and malaria combined(疟疾). They expect that by 2013, cancer will become the world's leading
cause of death.
Experts say one reason that more people are
dying from cancer is because they are smoking cigarettes in developing
countries. 40 percent of the world's smokers are believed to live in China and
India alone. Other things including high fat diets and fewer physical activities
are also believed to be pushing the numbers more.
Rates (比率) of breast cancer (乳腺癌) in Japan, Singapore
and South Korea are now 3 times what they were 40 years ago.
The W.H.O. report says that 12 million
people will be found to have some kinds of cancer this year. It predicts that
more than 7 million people will die early as a result of cancer. And more
than 5 million of the new cancer cases will be in developing countries.
The number of cancer cases and deaths from
cancer are expected to increase one percent each year. Experts are predicting
the largest increases will be in China, Russia, and India.
Without new treatments, the W.H.O. says, the
number of new cancer patients could reach 27 million a year by 2030. The number
of deaths could reach 17 million a year.
A report in December said the number of men
and women dying of cancer in the United States had dropped for the first time .The report in the Journal of the National
Cancer Institute said the drop was mainly the result of fewer cases of lung(肺), prostate(前列腺) and colorectal(结肠) cancer in men. In women,
it resulted from fewer cases of breast and colorectal cancer.
The American Cancer Society says governments
can do things to help stop the increase in cancer cases and deaths. One idea is
to provide poor and developing nations with vaccines(疫苗) that help to stop some
cancer-causing infections (感染). One example of a
cancer-causing infection is human papillomavirus (乳头瘤病毒).
This virus(病毒) can cause cervical cancer in women.
Another suggestion is more support for cigarette-control
programs. And the cancer society says health officials and governments should pay
more in cancer research and early detection(检测).
From the first paragraph of the passage, we
know __________ will be the ________ killer soon.
According to the passage, in developing
countries more people are dying from cancer because of ___________
According to the passage, in which countries
will cancer increase fastest ?
What can governments do to stop the increase
of cancer ? (one thing is