
(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。
【小题1】为了保持健康,我们必须远离糖。________,we must stay away from sugar .
【小题2】杂货店就在家具店和书店之间 。The drugstore is ____________.
【小题3】在瑞典,首先没打电话我们从来不去拜访朋友的家 。
In Switzerland ,we never visit a friend’s house  ________________________ .
【小题4】他们也知道如何去赚钱 。They also have to know ______________.
【小题5】和同学相处得好是很重要的。It’s very important __________________ .
【小题6】请闭上眼睛五分钟,好好休息一下。____________________________ .
【小题7】昨天晚上除小明去看了电影,我们也都去了。__________________________ .
【小题8】收生日礼物使我快乐。_______________________________ .

【小题1】In order to keep /stay /be / healthy  (to keep / be in good health )     
【小题2】between the furniture store and the bookstore
【小题3】without calling first                   
【小题4】how to make money   
【小题5】to get on / along well with (the / your )classmates                 
【小题6】Pleasekeep your eyes closed for five minutes , and take a good rest .
【小题7】Yesterday evening we went to the cinema  /  went to see the film  /  movie  besides Xiao Ming.
【小题8】Receiving birthday gifts / presents make me happy .  

解析【小题1】in order to表示为了的含义,保持的单词可以为keep或者是be或者是stay,为连系动词,后跟形容词健康的healthy作表语,故本题空格处填In order to keep /stay /be  healthy。
【小题2】between……and表示在……和……两者之间的含义,furniture store表示家具店的含义,bookstore表示书店的含义,故本题空格处填between the furniture store and the bookstore。
【小题3】without为介词表示没有的含义,后跟打电话的动名词calling,故本题空格处填without calling first。                   
【小题4】表示关系的疑问词how后可跟动词不定式to do作为宾语,make money表示挣钱的含义,故本题空格处填how to make money。   
【小题5】本题中的it为形式主语,真正主语位于句尾使用动词不定式和同学们相处,get on 或along with sb表示和某人相处的含义,表示好修饰动词使用副词well,故本题空格处填to get on / along well with your classmates。                 
【小题6】表示祈使句使用动词原形开头,使眼睛关闭可用keep your eyes closed,和时间长度连用用介词for+时间长度,take a good rest表示好好休息的含义,故本题可翻译为Pleasekeep your eyes closed for five minutes , and take a good rest。
【小题7】去看电影可用went to the cinema或went to see the movies,表示过去使用过去时,除某人之外包括使用介词besides,故本句可翻译为Yesterday evening we went to the cinema  /  went to see the movie besides Xiao Ming.
【小题8】主语为动词使用动名词收礼物receiving birthday gifts或presents,make sb happy表示使某人快乐的含义,故本句可翻译为Receiving birthday gifts / presents make me happy .  


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