Hello everyone£¬I'm Long Pingping£®I'm a 15-year-old girl£®I'm from Shuangting Middle School£®I'm a little quiet and shy£®But I'm willing to help others£®I enjoy listening to English songs£®I always play ping-pong and watch cartoons when I'm free£®I usually read English in the morning£®Vegetables and fruit are my favorites£®I'm not good at talking with others and I'm afraid of the dark£®
I can't forget that I went to Dalian with my parents in 2010£¬because it's a beautiful and clean city£®I think I will study harder in the new school and make lots of friends£®
It's me£¬a lovely girl£®

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½â´ð Hello everyone£¬I'm Long Pingpin g£®I'm a 15-year-old girl£® I'm from Shuangting Middle School£®I'm a little quiet and shy£®But I'm willing to help others£®I enjoy listening to English songs£®I always play ping-pong and watch cartoons when I'm free£®I usually read English in the morning£®Vegetables and fruit are my favorites£®I'm not good at talking with others and I'm afraid of the dark£®
I can't forget that I went to Dalian with my parents in 2010£¬because it's a beautiful and clean city£®I think I will study harder in the new school and make lots of friends£®
It's me£¬a lovely girl£®

µãÆÀ ±¾ÌâÊÇһƪͼ±í×÷ÎÄ£¬Í¼±í×÷ΪÊéÃæ±í´ïµÄÒ»ÖÖÐÅÏ¢Ìáʾ·½Ê½£¬±ÈÌá¸Ù×÷ÎÄÏßË÷ÏԵøü¼ò½àÃ÷ÁË£¬Ð´×÷ʱҲÈÝÒ×Çø·Ö±í´ï£¬¿ÉÒÔ½è¼øµÄ¶ÌÓïÓУºquiet and shy Îľ²ÇÒº¦Ðߣ¬enjoy doing sth ϲ»¶×öijÊ£¬be used to doing sth Ï°¹ß×öijʵȵȣ¬µ±Ð´×÷ʱ£¬ÎÒÃÇӦעÒâÏÂÃ漸µã£º£¨1£©×¢ÒâÉóÇåËùÓÃÈ˳ƣ¬£¨2£©·ÖÎöËùдÄÚÈÝ£¬×¢Òâʱ̬µÄÕýȷʹÓã¨3£©×¢ÒâÇ¡µ±±ä»»¾äʽ£¬ÈçÔÚ½éÉÜ×Ô¼ºµÄÏ°¹ßºÍ²»×ãʱ£¬¿ÉÓõ½I'm willing to£¬I always do sth£®£¬I usually do sth£®µÈ¾äʽ£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕÂÐÐÎÄͨ˳£®
quiet and shy Îľ²ÇÒº¦Ðß
enjoy doing sth ϲ»¶×öijÊÂ
be used to doing sth Ï°¹ß×öijÊÂ
be willing to help ÀÖÓÚÖúÈË
be afraid of doing sth º¦ÅÂ×öijÊÂ
be used to doing sth Ï°¹ß×öijÊÂ
I am a quiet and shy girl£®ÎÒÊǸöÎľ²ÇÒº¦ÐßµÄÅ®º¢£®
I am used to reading English in the morning£®ÎÒÏ°¹ßÔçÉ϶ÁÓ¢Ó
I am good at talking with others£®ÎÒÉÃÓÚ½»Ì¸£®
I am afraid of dark£®ÎÒźڣ®


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
