When I was a little girl, my father loved to play catch (接球) with me. I wasn't very good at it, but we would play anyway. He was always telling me "Keep your eye on the ball" as I would not be able to catch even the easiest of throws.

As I got older, we didn't play catch as much. If I had a problem and would go to my father to ask for his advice, he would try to joke with me and say "Keep your eye on the ball". We would both laugh because usually that advice was not useful to the problem, but he would try to make me smile.

My father became ill in 1995 when I was 23. There weren't any more conversations, as he suffered from a stroke (中风). He could not speak. He could only give mouth words, which were sometimes hard to understand. After a while, I seemed to be pretty good at reading at his lips (唇), even better than the nurses who were caring for him there.

During one of our last conversations, I was telling him about a problem I was having with my boyfriend. Once again, I could read his lips "Keep your eye on the ball." We both smiled.

That was the last time I saw my father before he passed away.

All these years later, when I get in trouble, I just tell myself "Keep your eye on the ball".

1.At first, by saying"keep your eye on the ball", the writer's father ________.

A.tells her to be careful while playing catch

B.wants to teach her a life lesson

C.wants her to work harder in every way

D.laughs at her when she misses the ball

2.When the writer asked for advice from her father, he usually ________.

A.tried to solve the problem for her

B.didn't care about her problem

C.joked with her and made her smile

D.told her to solve the problem alone

3.When in trouble, the writer tells herself "keep your eye on the ball" to ________.

A.encourage herself to face the difficulty

B.remember the old days with her father

C.help herself forget her troubles

D.remember how to play catch

4.Which of the following can describe the writer's father?

A.Honest. B.Serious. C.Careless. D.Cheerful.

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