

On Jan 23, Wuhan was locked down. Hua Yuchen, a music teacher at Wuhan’s Ganghua Elementary School, saw a n1. on Wechat looking for volunteers to fight the virus(病毒). She registered(登记) at once.

“At first, I had no idea what kind of work I was going to do,” Hua said. “But as a Wuhan girl, I knew I must do s2. for my hometown, even though I am just a c3. person and cannot rescue(救助) patients as doctors do.”

Being a volunteer in Wuhan for more than 30 days, Hua was filling in where help was most n4.. She sent medical workers to and from work. She t5. the temperatures of drivers at toll(收费) stations. She worked as a broadcaster(广播员) at a hospital.

“On our team, everyone is contributing(出一份力) silently. There’s always someone who arrives e6. than me, does more work and leaves later,” Hua said. “The volunteers are p7. responsibility(责任) around. I feel energetic(充满活力的)w8. I’m working with them.”

As her parents’ only child, Hua didn’t tell them that she would do volunteer work at first for fear that they would worry about her. However, when she f9. told them, they supported(支持)her.

Hua said she wanted to share her volunteer experience w10. her students. She would talk to them about what they should do when the epidemic(传染病)is over.


Masks, a simple protective tool, have been used by people for a long time. They can not only prevent epidemics, but also protect us from other harmful things, such as smog (雾霾) and chemicals. When was the protective mask first invented and how did it develop? Let's take a look.

1st century

At this time, lots of people in the Roman Empire worked underground in mines (矿井). Many died of lung (肺部) diseases caused by dust. Pliny the Elder (23-79), a Roman philosopher, used animal bladders (膀胱) to protect miners from the dust. This was the first recorded use of protective masks.


Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) advised people to wear a woven (纺织的) cloth dipped in water over their faces to protect against harmful chemicals.

19th century

In 1848, American Lewis Hassley became the first person to patent (注册专利) a protective mask for miners. In 1897, Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz Radecki designed a simple mask with one layer of gauze (纱布). He advised medical workers to wear it to prevent infection. This was the first use of a surgical (外科的) mask.

20th Century

In 1910, the pneumonic plague (肺鼠疫) broke out in Northeast China. Chinese doctor Wu Liande designed a face mask called 'Wu's mask'. It was made of two layers of gauze. The mask was praised by experts around the world because it could be produced easily and cheaply.


With several outbreaks of flu and the air pollution in recent years, masks have continued to develop. For example, in 2012, when China suffered from smog, mask models such as N95 and KN95 became popular. They can filter out (过滤掉) fine particulate matter (微粒物). China is now the world's largest mask producer, making out half of the world's masks.

1.Masks have been used as __________ by people for a long time.

A.a modern fashion B.a kind of cloth C.a pretty decoration D.a protective tool

2.The first recorded use of protective masks was made of __________.

A.gauze B.animal bladder C.cloth D.chemicals

3.__________ advised people to wear a woven (纺织的) cloth dipped in water over their faces to protect against harmful chemicals.

A.American Lewis Hassley

B.Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz Radecki

C.Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci

D.Chinese doctor Wu Liande

4.In 19th century, what the inventors did for the mask was to___________.

A.make its models such as N95 and KN95 B.patent (注册专利) them for doctors

C.design them with one layer of gauze D.filter out (过滤掉) fine particulate matter

5.The advantage of 'Wu's mask' is that __________.

A.it was used to prevent epidemics B.it was invented to prevent infection.

C.it was praised by experts around the world D.it could be produced easily and cheaply

6.The best title of the passage can be __________.

A.Protecting miners from dust B.Wearing masks to prevent infection

C.Producing masks throughout time D.Improving masks throughout time

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