Tess was an eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. Only a very expensive surgery(手术) could save him. Her dad said to her tearful Mother , “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now.”

Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a box from its hiding place. She poured all the change out and counted it carefully. Then she went to Rexall’s Drug Store. The pharmacist asked: “What do you want?” “Well, I want to buy a miracle. My brother’s really, really sick. He has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We sell kinds of medicines but don’t sell miracles here, little girl. Sorry!” “Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn’t enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.”

Just then the pharmacist’s brother came in. “How much do you have?” asked the man from Chicago. “One dollar and eleven cents.” “Well,” smiled the man, “It’s the exact price of a miracle for little brothers!”

That man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a doctor especially experienced in neurosurgery(神经外科). The surgery was completed for free and it turned out to be a big success. Tess’s Mom said, “I wonder how much the miracle would have cost.” Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost — one dollar and eleven cents.

1.What happened to Tess’s family?

A.Her parents argued, which made her mother tearful.

B.Her brother had a serious illness and her parents were poor.

C.Her parents often talked about her brother when she was out.

2.What does the underlined word “pharmacist” mean in Paragraph Two?

A.药剂师 B.借款人 C.科学家

3.From Paragraph Two, we know that ________.

A.Tess was a rich girl

B.Tess was warm-hearted

C.Tess loved her brother very much

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Tess would try her best to get enough money to pay for the things she wanted.

B.The man from Chicago was not only skillful, but also kind and helpful.

C.Tess’s parents paid the doctor one dollar and eleven cents.

5.What’s the best title for the story?

A.A Lovely Girl, Tess B.The Price of a Miracle C.A Successful Surgery

What things are acceptable(可接受的) when you are at the dinner table and what things are serious breaches(违犯) of manners?

I will tell you some of the most important American rules of table manners. When you sit down to eat, you should place the napkin across your lap. You should never talk with your mouth full and should chew with your mouth closed. If someone asks you a question while you are chewing, you should finish chewing and then swallow(吞咽) the food before answering. You should never drop scraps on the table; instead place them on a spare plate. Salt and pepper(胡椒粉) will be at the table, but you should taste your food before adding any. Only put food on someone else’s plate if they ask for it and if they say they do not want anything else to eat or drink then you will not give them anything else. Do not use your knife or fork to point at others because it is considered rude.

In China I know it is rude to point with your chopsticks. It is common practice to place food into a friends bowl and to put drink in their glass even after they have said they do not want any more. It is fine to drop the scraps onto the table. Though salt and pepper are not always on the table, vinegar(醋) and soy sauce(酱油) usually are. Talking while you’re eating is not considered impolite.

Manners are different all over the world and can even change in different parts of a country. Have you ever seen a foreigner do something you thought was impolite? Is there something you have done that they might view as impolite?

1.The underlined word “scraps” in Paragraph 2 means “____” in Chinese.

A.残羹 B.筷子 C.米饭 D.餐巾

2.How many parts can the passage be divided into?

A.①②;③;④ B.①;②③;④. C.①;②;③④ D.①②;③;④

3.If someone asks you a question while you are chewing in America, you should_____.

A.answer it right away. B.ask him to repeat it.

C.be chewing while answering. D.chew and swallow the food before answering.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?.

A.American rules of table manners B.Chinese rules of table manners

C.American and Chinese rules of table manners D.Manners all over the world

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