
It was a 【小题1】  Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend ,a proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to a park. He walked  【小题2】 to the assistant at the ticket counter and said, "How much is it to get in?"
The young man replied, "$3.00 for you and $3.00 for  【小题3】   kid who is  【小题4】  than six. We let them  【小题5】  free if they are six or younger. How old are they?"
Bobby replied, "Joe's three and David’s seven, so I guess I owe you $6.00."
The man at the ticket counter said, "Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something? You could  【小题6】 yourself three dollars. You could  【小题7】  told me that the older one was six; I wouldn't know the difference." Bobby replied, "Yes, that may be   【小题8】  , but the kids would know the difference."
In challenging times when ethics (道德规范)are more important than    【小题9】  before, make sure you set a good 【小题10】  for everyone you work and live with.


【小题1】修饰名词短语Saturday afternoon, 故用形容词sunny。句意:这是一个晴朗的星期里下午。
【小题2】根据短语walk up to “走向”,故此处用介词up。句意:他走向售票处的售票员。
【小题4】根据We let them      free if they are six or younger.可知六岁或六岁以下的哈子免费,故此处指超过六岁的孩子要三元。故用older。句意:任何一个年龄在六岁以上的孩子三美元。
【小题5】根据短语let sb. in 让某人进来,故此处用副词in。句意:如果他们六岁或六岁以下,我们免费让他们进。
【小题6】根据You could       told me that the older one was six;可知你本可以说大一点的孩子在六岁以下,这样会省三美元钱,故用动词 save。句意:你能给自己省三美元。
【小题7】 could have done 表示过去本可以做,但实际却未做,故用have。句意:你本来可以说大一点的孩子在六岁以下。
【小题8】系动词be 后用形容词做表语,故用true。句意:那可能是对的。
【小题9】ever before 以前,故用ever。句意:在富有挑战性的时代,这是道德规范最重要的时候。
【小题10】根据短语set a good example for“为……树立榜样”,故用单数名词example。句意:你必须为你的工作或学习中的伙伴做个好的榜样。


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