In the morning this Wednesday, a red bronze horse-head statue (铜像) was donated back by Macao-based tycoon and collector Stanley Ho Hung-sun and handed over to the National Cultural Heritage Administration in Beijing (北京文化遗产管理处)China on November 13th ,2019.

These animal-head taps took turns to spray(喷) water during different hours within a day, at noon, a salvo(同时喷水) would happen.

The invading Anglo-French Alliance Forces(英法联军) rampaged through the Old Summer Palace and set it on fire in 1860. Millions of national treasures, including the 12 animal-head statues, were taken abroad in the war.

Ho spent HK$ 69.1 million ($8.8 million) to buy the statue in September 2007, and publicly exhibited it in Hong Kong and Macao promoting people’s consciousness (意识) of protecting cultural relics.

Ho decided to donate it back to the mainland on 20th anniversary of Macao’s return to China, after he contacted the National Cultural Heritage Administration, which said the statue will be given back to the Yuanmingyuan administration.

The horse-head statue is the seventh that has returned to Beijing among the 12 articles from the Old Summer Palace fountain, the rest of which are hoped to be returned in future.

1.When was the red bronze horse-head statue donated to China?


2.Where were millions of national treasures taken?


3.How long has Ho kept the red bronze horse-head statue?


4.Have all the animal-head statues been returned to Beijing China?


5.Why did Ho publicly exhibit the red bronze horse-head statue in Hong Kong and Macao?


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