


【1】The man made an e_________(努力) to make money for his family.

【2】She s_________(分开) the good apples from the bad ones last night.

【3】My father likes wearing his w________ (木制的) shoes.

【4】Many hospital s ________ (职工)have to work at night.

【5】Cindy is g________ (逐渐地) getting used to living in China.









【1】句意:那个男人为了他的家庭努力赚钱。make an effort 努力,故填effort



【4】句意:许多医院职工不得不在晚上值班。many修饰名词复数, staffs



【题目】 At present, almost everyone has a mobile phone, but have you ever thought that cell phones be bad for your health? A study shows that heavy mobile phone use may cause hearing loss.

This study shows that people who use cell phones for about an hour a day have a time hearing some similar sounds, especially in their right ears. It is getting harder for to tell the difference between the sounds of “s” and “f”, and “t” and “z”.

Researchers studied 100 people who used cell phones and them with 50 people who did not. The study lasted for 12 months. What the researchers found was that cell phone users had more hearing than those who did not use cell phones.

Besides this, our ears have many little inside them. Too much noise will cause these hairs to get weak and die. When these hairs die, it affects our ability to listen.

However, cell phone users don’t care too much this study. One man said, “I’d be more worried about people who MP3 players. They put those earphones in their ears and listen to very music. I think that is more likely to cause hearing loss than a cell phone.”

【1】A. should B. need C. might D. must

【2】A. busier B. happier C. harder D. shorter

【3】A. us B. you C. it D. them

【4】A. compared B. suggested C. showed D. taught

【5】A. advantages B. /span>problems C. rules D. experiences

【6】A. noises B. pains C. hairs D. pimples

【7】A. hardly B. actually C. clearly D. finally

【8】A. to B. with C. about D. of

【9】A. produce B. use C. discover D. see

【10】A. beautiful B. soft C. loud D. Light

【题目】Better Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy

Things to do

Brushing teeth

Drinking milk

Going to bed

Eating fruits

Common time

After getting up or before sleeping

During breakfast

Around 23;00

After meals

Time from experts’ suggestion

3 minutes after meal

Before sleeping

Around 21;00

An hour before meals


To reduce germs in the mouth

To keep bones strong and help sleep well

To be good for a deep sleep

To keep the body strong

Warm tip

Brush the tongue while brushing teeth

Avoid drinking it when having a stomachache

Sleep for at least 8 hours every night

Wash carefully before eating them

Word Box:germ 细菌tip提示

【1】Teenagers are used to drinking milk according to the information above.

A. before sleeping B. during breakfast

C.3 minutes after meal D.4 minutes after meal

【2】Teenagers often go to bed hour(s)later than the time the experts ‘suggest.

A.one B.two C.three D.four

【3】 and are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the information above.

A.Drinking milk;eating fruits

B.Going to bed ;brushing teeth.

C..Eating fruits;reducing germs.

D.Drinking milk; brushing teeth.

【4】If a teenager goes to bed at the time based on the experts’ suggestions,the earliest time for him to get up will be in the morning.

A.5:00 B.6:00 C.7:00 D.8:00

【5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?

A.Some experts suggest washing fruits carelessly an hour before meals.

B.To brush the tongue after meals is good for a deep sleep.

C.Teenagers with a stomachache had better avoid drinking milk.

D.Teenagers should sleep for at least 6 hours every night.

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