
Song Zuying is the most famous soprano(女高音歌唱家) in China. In the eyes of the Chinese people, Song Zuying is the star of oriental art(东方艺术).She was born in a beautiful place–Guzhang County in West Hunan. In recent years, she has been awarded many highest prizes in various music contests. She loves her hometown and does a lot for the people there.


Wen Jiabao is the premier(总理) of the world’s most populous(人口众多的) country. But, millions of people would rather call him“grandpa”.Always in plain(朴素的) jackets, he seems an ordinary old man with a kind smile. But in the face of disasters he has the power to pull together the whole country.


Ding Cong, a famous cartoonist(漫画家) in China, died on May 26,2009.He started to draw cartoons more than seventy years ago, but he always called himself Xiao Ding of Little Ding.

He seemed to have a lot to learn in this world. His cartoons are humorous(幽默的) and interesting and loved by the old and the young in China.


An 18–meter high “Olympic torch(火炬)”made of more than 110,000 pots of flowers, the biggest “Olympic torch” in the world, is seen at the Liberation Park in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The “Olympic torch” was exhibited at the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the 2008 Wuhan Flower Expo(展览会) to express local people’s best wishes to this summer Olympic Games.


Liu Qian is the only magician(魔术师) form Taiwan invited by Las Vegas and the Hollywood Magic Castle for performance(表演).When Liu Qian was 7 years old, he started to study magic. The first magic he performed was to put a coin into his mouth and then take is out from his hindbrain(后脑).Now Liu’s magic tricks have made the old art popular again, and made him the hottest magician in China.

A. The premier is our “grandpa”.

B. The most famous soprano in China.

C. The cartoonist who was loved by old and young.

D. The famous magician from Taiwan.

E. The biggest “Olympic torch” in the world.


When you watch TV programs about wild animals, it is surprising to see how an antelope (羚羊) can run away from a strong lion. In the wilderness, everyone has his own way to protect himself. Even plants have their own ways to fight off enemies.

Over millions of years, plants have developed their own defense system (防卫系统). Chemicals are fantastically used by plants to survive (幸存). By making their leaves, flowers, roots and fruits poisonous (有毒的) to enemies, plants can fight back.

One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree. The British scientist David Cameron has found when an animal eats the tree’s leaves, the amount (数量) of poison increases in the other leaves. “It’s like the injured leaves telephoning the others to fight together against the enemy,” he said.

The tree also sends defense messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle trees in the nearby 45 meters will get the message and produce more poison within 10 minutes. Now, if an enemy eats too many of the trees’ leaves, he will die.

Every kind of plant or tree is good at producing a special set of chemicals. Herbivores, like rabbits, can safely eat the leaves of one tree, but they may be poisoned by its neighbor.

In this way, plants have not only developed their own defense system, but also shared it with others. This makes it impossible for a single animal to destroy even a small area of forest.

1.From the first 2 paragraphs, we can learn that _________.

A. plants can do nothing against their enemies

B. chemicals are quite useful for plants to survive

C. an antelope can always run away from a strong lion

D. leaves, roots, flowers and fruits of plants are poisonous

2.If animals eat one Golden Wattle tree’s leaves, the tree can________.

A. kill the animals with a special smell

B. tell other trees to come to protect it

C. warn other trees against the animals on the phone

D. send defense messages to the neighboring plants

3.The underlined word “herbivores” in the 5th paragraph probably means animals which _____.

A.produce poison                                     B.live on small animals

C.like to eat rabbits                                       D.feed on plants or grass

4.The last paragraph of the passage suggests that this kind of defense system is ________.

A.bad for animals                                        B.good for forests

C.helpful to some animals                        D.harmful to forests

5.The passage is mainly about __________.

A.the examples of protecting forests

B.the balance between animals and plants

C.the ways of plants fighting against enemies 

D.the relationship between lions and antelopes


Dogs like living with people. A dog can be a very good friend. He can do a lot of things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind (盲人) do things.

Many years ago there was a very good dog. His name was Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They are working for the blind.

The Seeing Eye dog is strong, good and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place.

Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to make his trainer across busy streets.

The dog has many things to learn. And in every lesson he must learn to do one thing again and again for many times.

At the end of the training school he must take tests. When he passes the tests, the Seeing Eye dog will do the things by himself.

Now he can help blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.

1.We can see the Seeing Eye dog _______.

A.only in the country                      B.only in small cities

C.all over the world                       D.only on the busy street

2.What can the Seeing Eye dog do?

A.Look after sheep.                       B.Help blind people.

C.Find lost children.                       D.Train blind people.

3.If you want a dog to become a Seeing Eye dog, you must let him ________.

A.go to a training school                    B.go to a middle school

C.go to an evening school                   D.go to a children school

4.First the dog has to learn to sit or stay __________.

A.when he hears the telephone call

B.when he hears another dog’s call

C.when he hears the master’s call

D.when he hears the trainer’s call

5.How long will it take the dog and his blind master to learn to work and live together?

A.One year.         B.Five years.         C.About a month.     D.One week.


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