
—Sorry, Mr. Green. I have ________ my homework at home.

—Never mind. But don't forget ________ it to the school tomorrow.

A.left;bring B.forget;to bring C.left;to bring D.forgot;bringing


On April Fool's Day, it's always fun to get someone a surprise with hoaxes. Here are two interesting hoaxes for you to enjoy.

Story 1:The Left?handed Whopper

1998:Burger King published (出版) a full page advertisement in USA Today. They announced they had invented a new kind of hamburger,a Left-handed Whopper. The hamburgers were specially designed for the thirty-two million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement,the new hamburgers included the same ingredients (成分) as the common hamburgers,but all the Left-handed Whoppers were rotated (旋转) 180 degrees to suit left-handed customers. Though the following day Burger King announced that the Left-handed Whopper was a hoax,thousands of customers had gone into restaurants to order the new hamburgers.

Story 2:Instant Color TV

1962:In 1962 there was only one TV channel in Sweden, and it played in black and white. The TV station's technical expert (技术专家),Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a new skill, people could change their black and white TV sets into color reception (接收). All they had to do was hanging a nylon sock over their TV screens. Stensson was so convincing that thousands of people were taken in. But when they put the socks over the screens,the TV programs were still played in black and white.

1.The first hoax happened in ________.

A.England B.Australia C.America D.Sweden

2.In 1998,there were ________ in America.

A.32 million disabled people B.32 million left-handed people

C.180 million disabled people D.180 million left-handed people

3.There was only one ________ in Sweden in 1962.

A.TV channel B.TV program C.TV set D.TV expert

4.In the second story,the Swedes were told to hang a ________ over their TV screens to get color reception.

A.color coat B.color sock C.nylon coat D.nylon sock

5.The underlined phrase “were taken in” means “________”.

A.believed the hoax B.were brought C.forgot the story D.were interested

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