

Ann loves the underground(地铁) in London. She always likes to travel on the underground because it is fast. She doesn't find it difficult now, as she has got used to(习惯) it. Ann knows the underground map very well. Each line has its own color. For example, the Central Line (主干线) is red, the Piccadilly Line (皮凯德里干线) is blue, and so on. Londoners(伦敦人) always call the underground “the tube(管子)”. When you see the long tunnels (隧道) underground, it isn't hard to understand why. Yesterday Ann went home on the underground at about five o'clock in the afternoon. She got a surprise. Since (因为) everyone was going home from work, the trains were full. This was the “rush?hour”, and it was a new experience (经历) for Ann. There were a lot of people, but trains came every minute. Everyone waited and didn't push. As her train was full, Ann had to stand, but she didn't mind. In the train she saw a sign. It said, “Keep away from the rush?hour.” “I will, next time.” Ann thought!


Traveling in London, ______ .

A.Ann loves the subway

B.Ann loves buses

C.Ann loves bike

D.Ann loves to walk underground

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It's easy for Ann to take London's underground because ______ .

A.she lives near the underground

B.she knows the underground map very well

C.each line has its own color

D.there are signs everywhere in London

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Why do Londoners call the underground “the tube”?

A.Because Londoners like to use the tubes.

B.Because London's underground has too many lines.

C.Because Londoners think the underground looks like a tube.

D.Because London's underground is straight and long.

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The “rush?hour” means ______ .

A.冲刺时间     B.忙碌时间

C.高峰时间     D.休闲时间

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Ann decides ______ .

A.that she will take a bus next time

B.she will no longer take London's underground

C.to take the underground at this time next time

D.not to take the underground at this time next time

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答案:1.A ;2.B ;3.C ;4.C ;5.D ;
Ann: Hello, Ben. May I ask you some questions?
Ben: Sure.
Ann: Which place in your school do you like best, Ben?
Ben: I like the playground best. I like playing football. How about you?
Ann: I like music room. Because I love dancing. Dancing is relaxing.
Ben: Which place does Betty like best?
Ann:I think she like the library. She enjoys reading because she thinks reading is fun. What about Harry?
Ben: I think he likes the gym best?
Ann: Why do you think so?
Ben: Because his favorite sport is swimming. He likes swimming in the gym.
1. How many people are mentioned (被提及) in this dialong? 
2. What is Ben's favorite place?
3. Which place does Ann like best?
4. Why does Harry like the gym best?
5. 将对话中的划线部分译成汉语。