
Lily: Where is my toy bear? I can not f  1  it.

Tim: Do not w 2 .Let me h 3 you. Is it in the d 4?

Lily: No, it is not.

Tim: What is in the b? Is it your t6?

Lily: Oh, no! H 7 !It is a mouse(老鼠).I feels 8 .

Tim: Take is easy(别紧张)。Let me have a l9 at it. Oh, it is only

a dead(死的)mouse. Are you o 10 ?

Lily: Yes, I feel much better(好多了).

 1. find 2. worry 3. help 4. desk 5. bag 6. toy 7.Help 8. scared 9. look 10. okay


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