

Girl; Do you want to go to a movie, Edward?

Boy; 56

Girl; What kind of movies do you like?

Boy: Well, I like comedies because they're funny. And I think thrillers are great.

Girl; 57

Boy; No, documentaries are boring. 58

Girl; I don't like documentaries, either. And I don't like thrillers—they're scary.

Boy 59

Girl; Well, I like action movies.

Boy; 60

Girl; Uh-huh. They're exciting. And I like Beijing Opera, too. It's very interesting. My father and I like it a lot.

A. No. Movies are always boring.      B.  So what kind of movies do you like?

C.  How about you?                D. Yes, that sounds good.

E. You do?                        F. How about documentaries?

56. D【解析】由问句为do引导的一般疑问句,答语应为Yes或No。又因为下句为“你喜欢什么类型的电影”可知应选D。

57. F【解析】由下句“No, documentaries are boring”可知上句问的“How about documentaries?”,故选F

58. C【解析】我发表了自己对纪录片的看法后,由语境可知应问“你呢?”,故选C。

59 B【解析】由下句“I like action movies.”可知是询问“你喜欢什么类型的电影呢?”故选B。

60. E【解析】 由下句“They're exciting…”可知,上句应是个问句,故选E。


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