
【题目】 The earth moves round the s 【1】 . When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is d 2 .When our part of the earth turns a 3 from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it is much n 【4 to the earth. The sun is very bright. It gives very strong l 5 . The moon looks quite bright, but it d 6 give any light at all. The light from the moon comes f 7 the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter t 8 the stars. But in fact the stars are a lot bigger and brighter than the m 9 . They look smaller than the moon because they are f 【10 away from the earth.
















【3】当地球的一面避开了太阳就到了黑夜。turn away from离开,避开,故填away




【7】月球的光来自太阳。come from,来自,根据句意,故填from





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