

(1)When is Lily's birthday?

[  ]

A Mar22




(2)Li Hua likes _______.

[  ]

Ahamburgers and salad

Bmeat and sugar

Csinging and talking


(3)How old is Tina in 2007?

[  ]

AThirty-three years old

BThirty-nine years old

CTwenty years old

DI don't know

(4)Does Frank like vegetables and fruit?

[  ]

AYes, he does

BYes, she does

CNo, he doesn't

DYes, she doesn't

(5)How many people are there in the chart (表格)

[  ]







  Mr.Read worked in a factory.He was strong and carried the boxes from shops to storehouses(仓库).He was always careless(粗心)and often made some mistakes.So his friends called him“harum-scarum(冒失鬼)”.Now people hardly(几乎不)remembered his real name.

  One day Mrs.Read carried a bag of rice upstairs.The bag was very heavy and the ladder suddenly broke.She fell to the ground and badly hurt herself.She was sent to hospital at once while her friends sent for her husband.

  Having heard the news, Mr.Read hurried home.They gave him the address and he went there with his son.There was much traffic at that moment and many people were waiting for the buses.Running along the street, he tried to stop a car.But he failed.Suddenly he saw a bus coming to a bus stop, he rushed there at once.A car nearly hit him.The driver put his head out of the window and shouted,“Hi, harum-scarum!”and then left.

  “Why not take his car since the driver knows you, dad?”asked the boy.


Mr.Read was called“harum-scarum”because ________.

[  ]


he was very strong


he had little knowledge


he often forgot something


he did something carelessly


Mrs.Read fell off ________.

[  ]


the top of the house


the second floor


the ladder


the bag of rice


________ sent the woman to hospital.

[  ]


Her friends


Her husband


Her son


Some policemen


________, so he ran along the street.

[  ]


Mr.Read was a famous runner


Mr.Read had no time to wait for a bus


Mr.Read had no money to buy the tickets


Mr.Read hoped to save some money


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


The driver was Mr.Read's friend.


The boy thought the driver knew his father.


Mr.Read was famous in the town.


The boy couldn't catch up with his father.

   Forests are large pieces of land covered with big trees. They are found all over the world, espe-cially in places where there is enough sunshine and much rainfall. Many kinds of materials (材料) come from forests. To build a house, we need wood for doors and windows, Beautiful chairs and tables are also made of wood.

  Teak (柚木) wood is very useful for ship-building. It is used for all parts of a ship where wood and metal come in contact (接触) for it has a kind of oil to keep metal away from rust (铁锈). It can also stop the attack of white ants (蚂蚁) and other insects. For this, teak wood is an important railway building material.

  Forests are no less important than useful. They are the home of wild animals. Without them, those animals would run among the places where we live and work. There would be no peace for man.

  Forests are helpful to weather, too. When it is very hot, they can be a very good place for people to stay away from the sun. In winter, they can keep us from the cold. Forests and also stop the land from being washed away by heavy rain for trees hold the soil together. So it would be foolish to cut clown trees freely.

(1)The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

Aforests are very useful to us in many ways

Bwood is good material to build ships, railways and some other things

Cforests are large pieces of land covered with big trees

Dwithout forests, we have to live together with wild animals

(2)Which of the following is not right?

[  ]

AForests need rainfall and sunshine to grow

BWood is an important building material

CThere must be big trees in a forest

DForest are everywhere in the world

(3)Teak wood is an important railway building material because

[  ]

Ait can come in contact with metal

Ba kind of oil can stop metal from rust

Cit can stop white ants and other insets

Dit is hard

  Luce bought shoes from the shoe factory and tried to sell them to people.

  There were not many shops in small villages People there did not want to go down to buy their shoes. So Luce sold a lot of shoes there.

  One day Luce drove along the street He stopped in front of a house. There was a small boy beside the door Luce opened the window of his lorry(运货汽车)and called to the boy.Hello. Is your mother at home?

  The boy looked at him. Then he answered, Yes, she is

That's good, Luce said. He got out of his lorry, took shoes and went to the door of the house. He knocked at the door and waited for a few minutes, but nobody came to answer the door.

  Luce knocked again and waited for a few more minutes, but still no one answered.

  Then Luce looked at the small boy and said angrily, Your mother is NOT at home!

  She is,the small boy said.

  Why didn't she open the door?Luce asked.

  Because this isn't my house,the small boy answered.

Choose the best answer.

(1) Luce was ________.

[  ]

Aa shoes seller

Ba worker

Ca shoes

Da book seller

(2) Luce tried to sell shoes to people ________.

[  ]

Ain shops

Bin small villages

CIn the town

Din the city

(3) Luce stopped in front of a house and asked the boy if his mother was at home because he wanted to ________.

[  ]

Asell the shoes to the boy.

Bsell the shoes to the boy's mother.

Cask his mother for something to eat.

Ddrink some water.

(4) Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

ALuce drove a lorry when he sold shoes.

BThe boy's mother wasn't at home.

CThe boy was an honest(诚实的)one.

DThe shoes were selling well.

(5) Why didn't the mother open the door of the house?

[  ]

ABecause the mother wasn't at home.

BBecause it was not the boy's house.

CBecause Luce didn't make enough noise.

DBecause there was no one in the house.

  A history teacher was talking to his class about the ancient Romans(古罗马人).They were very strong people,he said.They always wanted to have strong bodies, so they played a lot of games.

  Did they like swimming.One of the girls asked.That makes people's bodies strong. She was very good at swimming.Oh yes, some of them swam a lot. The teacher answered. Then he told them a story about one famous Roman.

  There was a big, wide river in the middle of Rome.he said,and this man swam across the river three times every day before breakfast.

  The girl laughed when she heard this. Why are you laughing? the teacher asked her angrily,Have I said anything funny?

  Well, sir.the girl answered, Why didn't he swim across the river four times, to get back his clothes again?

Choose the best answer.

(1) A history teacher was talking to his class about__________.

[  ]

Athe ancient Romans

BThe old game


Dthe river in Rome

(2) Ancient Romans always wanted__________

[  ]

Ato swim a lot

Bto skate a lot

Cto have strong bodies

Dto laugh a lot

(3) There was a big, wide river __________ Rome.

[  ]

Ain the middle of

Bin the west of

Cin the east of

Din front of

(4) Who was the teacher talking about when he said, Some of them. swam a lot?

[  ]

AOne famous Roman.

BThe girl in his class.

CA strong people.

DThe teacher himself.

(5) Why did the girl laugh?

ABecause the Roman swam before breakfast.

BBecause the Roman did not finish swimming near his clothes.

CBecause the teacher was angry.

DBecause the Roman liked swimming so much.


  There was once a girl named Jafilah.Her mother had died and she lived with her grandmother.Her grandmother loved her very much and she would not let her go and play with the other girls.She was very beautiful and Jafil loved her very much and wanted to marry(娶)her.Jafil was the son of her father's brother.

  There were six other girls in the village.Those other girls were not as beautiful as Jafilah, and they were angry with her because her grandmother would not let her come and play with them or go to the forest with them to bring wood.

  One day the six girls went to Jafilah's grandmother and said,“Let Jafilah come out with us to get wood from the forest this afternoon.She has never been with us.Soon she will be married, and when she married she will never be able to come with us”.

  The grandmother said,“I must ask Jafilah's grandfather.If he says she may go with you, she may go.”

  So the grandmother asked the grandfather, and the grandfather looked at the girls and said,“They are big strong girls.They will take good care of her.Let her go.”

  Now the six girls did not want to be friends with Jafilah.They were angry with her.They wanted to hurt her.


Jafilah was ________ in the village.

[  ]


as beautiful as six other girls


not so beautiful as six other girls


the most beautiful girl


the most beautiful of six girls


________ loved Jafilah very much.

[  ]


Her grandmother


Her grandfather




Her grandmother and Jafil


Six girls asked Jafilah to the forest, they wanted to ________.

[  ]


make friends with her


look after her well


hurt her


help her get wood


Why didn't Jafilah's grandmother let her go out?

[  ]


Because Jafilah was too young to play with other girls.


Because Jafilah would marry Jafil soon.


Because her grandmother loved her and worried about her safety.


Because her grandmother hadn't asked her grandfather.


Choose the right sentence.

[  ]


Jafilah's mother died many years ago.


Jafilah had lived with Jafil all the time.


Six other girls in the village were friendly with Jafilah.


Jafilah has often been with six other girls before.

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