
Very hot weather is common in many parts of the world.A1though hot weather just makes most people hot,it can cause medical problems--and death.

  Floods,storms and other terrible natural events kill thousands of people every year.And,we hear much about them in news reports.We generally hear little about heat,which experts say may be nature’s most dangerous killer.

    Health experts say that since the year 1900, very hot weather has killed more

people in the United states than any other natural event.One year—the unusually hot summer of 1980 heat caused about 1,700 deaths in the United states.In 1995,more than 600 people died in another heat wave in one city—Chicago。Illinois.

    Besides drinking lots of Cool water, doctors say there are other things to do to protect against the health dangers of heat.Stay out of the sun,if possible.Wear loose,lightweight and light一colored clothes.Wear a hat while in the sun.Eat fewer hot and heavy foods.And,when possible,cook foods during cooler time of the day.If possible,rest more often.

    Health experts say that these simple steps can prevent the dangerous health problems caused by heat.They will prevent sickness,help you feel better and may even save your life.

1.Hot weather is common_________.

  A.all over the world           B.in lots of parts of the world

  C.in most parts of the world   D.in few parts of the world

2.Usually people don't think that______ is nature’s most dangerous killer.

A.heat    B.a flood     C.a storm  C.an earthquake

3.As the text mentioned,the hot weather caused at 1east 2。300 deaths in the United

States_________ .

  A .in 1900    B.in 1980    C.in 1995    D.in 1980 and 1995

4.Which of the following is correct?

  A.The doctors say that we have no ways to prevent the deaths caused by heat.

  B.Very hot weather has killed most people among the other natural events.

  C.Any other event has killed more people than very hot weather.

  D.A1l the other events haven't killed so many people as very hot weather itself

5.The passage is talking about________  .

  A.all kinds of terrible natural events in the world

B.some health problems caused by hot weather

C.how to prevent and treat health problems

D.the health problems in hot weather and the ways to prevent them

1. B  2. A  3. D   4. B  5. D



Jim: Hello! 6785238.

Wu: Hello! Could I s  1   to Jim ,please ?                            1              

Jim: This is Jim .

Wu: Hi, Jim . Summer holidays will begin next week. W  2   will you spend your holidays this year ?                                                           2              

Jim: I’m going to Nanjing .

Wu: Oh, Nanjing is a p   3    of interest . Have you ever been there before?  3               

Jim: N  4    . I’ve never been there.                                     4            

Someone says it’s very hot there i    5 summer.                            5_________

Wu:Yes.How will you go there?                                                                     

Jim: B  6  train.                                                    6            

Wu: I hope you will e  7    yourself in Nanjing.                          7  _________

Jim: Thank you . And what about you ?                               

Wu: Maybe my father will t__8___me to some cities in the south.              8              

Jim: That’ll b   9    very interesting.  Have a good time!                  9               

Wu: Thanks, g   10                                                   10           


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