
根据下面四幅图, 写一段50-70字的短文.
参考词汇: 希望工程 the Hope Project  零花钱 pocket money
图1: 上课图, 老师的教鞭指着 "希望工程" 四个字.
图2: 女孩在家, 拿出储钱罐图.
图3: 女孩写信图. 浮现出一个农村小男孩图, 小男孩说 "我要上学".
图4: 女孩邮局寄信寄钱图.

     Liu Ying is a student. One day, her teacher talked about the Hope Project in class and told them
to do something to help the children in the poor families. She thought that she must do something for
these poor children. She had saved some money which her parents gave her as her pocket money.
She took out all of it and wrote a letter to the children in the countryside. The next day, she went to
the post office and posted the letter and all her pocket money to the children in the countryside. She
is really a kind and helpful girl.
