














5£®What is Mary doing?

A£®Doing her homework£®

B£®Reading a book£®

C£®Playing a game£®

6£®What does Mary think of it?





7£®What is Tom going to do?

A£®Visit his grandparents£®

B£®Go to Guilin

C£®See his pen-friend£®

8£®What is the girl going to do?

A£®Study English£®

B£®Take some pictures£®

C£®Learn the piano£®


9£®What are they talking about?

A£®English learning£®

B£®Spring Festival£®

C£®Holiday plan£®

10£®What will the girl do when she meets problems?

A£®She has a home teacher£®

B£®She goes to a policeman£®

C£®She asks others for help£®


11£®Who are speaking?

A£®A teacher and a student£®

B£®A father and a daughter£®

C£®A mother and a son£®

12£®What does Mr Li want to know?

A£®Other answer to the question£®

B£®The price of Christmas gifts£®

C£®The way to Lingling's house£®

13£®What will Mr Li give to the girl?

A£®A birthday present£®

B£®A congratulation letter£®

C£®Best wishes for the New Year£®


14£®What does the speaker probably do?

A£®A guide£®

B£®A teacher£®

C£®A driver£®

15£®What shouldn't the students do?

A£®Speak loudly in the room£®

B£®Go out for shopping£®

C£®Play computer games£®

16£®What will these students do in their winter holiday?

A£®Improve their English

B£®See many interesting things

C£®Search on the Internet












¡¡¡¡1£®M£ºDo you know how many tigers there are in the world?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI don't know£®I guess there are about 300£®

¡¡¡¡2£®M£ºWhat will the weather be like tomorrow?

¡¡¡¡W£ºThe TV says it will be snowy£®

¡¡¡¡3£®M£ºWhat sport do you like best?

¡¡¡¡W£ºFootball£®It's my favorite£®

¡¡¡¡4£®M£ºHave you ever been to the Great Wall?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, I've been there twice£®



¡¡¡¡M£ºHey, Mary£®What are you doing over there?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI'm reading a book£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat book is it?

¡¡¡¡W£ºAlice's Adventures in Wonderland£®It's very interesting£®


¡¡¡¡W£ºWhat are you going to do in your winter holiday, Tom?

¡¡¡¡M£ºMy parents will take me to Guilin for a visit£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWonderful! When are you going to leave?

¡¡¡¡M£ºNext Friday£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWould you show us your pictures when you come back?

¡¡¡¡M£ºNo problem£®What about you? What are you going to do?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI'll go to a winter school to learn English£®


¡¡¡¡W£ºYour English is very good£®How did you learn it, Mike?

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, I like it and I often talk with my classmates£®And I have done a lot of reading£®What about you?

¡¡¡¡W£ºMe, too£®And can you tell me what you are going to do when you meet new words?

¡¡¡¡M£ºI usually use my digital dictionary£®Have you got one?

¡¡¡¡W£ºNo, I haven't£®I usually ask others for help, such as, my teachers, my classmates, and sometimes I ask my mother£®They're my dictionaries£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºHaha! That's a good idea!


¡¡¡¡M£ºHello! Is that Lingling?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, speaking£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºHi! Lingling£®This is Mr Li, your math teacher£®I would like to see your parents today, but I don't know how to get to your house£®Could you tell me the way?

¡¡¡¡W£ºSure! Our address is No£®33, North Street, 1203, on the 12th floor£®You can take a No£®362 bus and get off at North Street£®After you get off, go along the street and you can see a very tall building on the right£®That's it£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºThank you, Lingling£®You have done very well in math this year£®I'll send you a congratulation letter to your parents£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºReally? Thank you, Mr Li£®We'll wait for you in the evening£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºSee you this evening!

¡¡¡¡W£ºSee you!


¡¡¡¡Attention please£®My name is Anna Smith and I'd like to welcome you all to our school£®I hope you enjoy your time with us£®Every morning from nine thirty to twelve thirty you will be in the classroom learning English grammar and new words£®Lunch will be in the school dining-room£®There are many kinds of traditional Chinese food£®In the afternoons and evenings you are free to do what you want to, but you mustn't go out for shopping£®You will be able to speak English£®There will also be a lot of time for speaking£®Next, about your exam£®Don't be too worried about this£ºthe exam is not very difficult£®Your reports will be sent to you at your home address about three weeks later£®I hope everyone will have a good time in our school£®Have you got any questions?


¡¡¡¡Hello, everyone! I just want to tell you about our trip to Beijing£®The bus will leave at 7¡Ã00 tomorrow morning£®It takes about one hour and a half to get to Tiananmen Square£®We'll first visit the Great Hall of the People, and then the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the History Museum£®We'll have lunch at about 12¡Ã00£®Oh, don't forget to bring some water, and you needn't bring too much pocket money with you£®Wear some warm clothes because it is cold outside£®After that we'll visit the Forbidden City£®We'll come back home at about 5 o'clock£®Well, have a good time tomorrow!










6£®A£®Yes, there are£®

B£®Yes, I think so£®

C£®No, there aren't£®

7£®A£®Yes, you should£®

B£®No, you shouldn't£®

C£®You should say you're sorry£®

8£®A£®You were in my barber shop£®

B£®I was cutting your hair£®

C£®No, I don't know£®

9£®What did the teacher say?

A£®He said I was hard-working£®

B£®He said you are hard-working£®

C£®Yes, you are hard-working£®

10£®What will happen if you wear your new jeans to the party? ________

A£®The teacher will let you in£®

B£®The teacher won't let you in£®

C£®The teacher will take you away£®


11£®A£®Yes, she think so£®

B£®No, she doesn't think so£®

C£®There will be less pollution£®

12£®A£®His clothes are not in style£®

B£®He should buy some new clothes£®

C£®His clothes are in style£®

13£®A£ºShe was eating ice-cream£®

B£®She was standing in front of the Center Store£®

C£®She was in the UFO£®




15£®A£®On Saturday£®

B£®On Friday£®

C£®On Monday£®


16£®Li Lei went to school yesterday£®

17£®He saw a young woman standing at the cinema£®

18£®The woman wanted to see her husband in hospital£®

19£®Li Lei didn't know the way to the hospital, either£®

20£®The hospital was very far£®The woman had better take a bus there£®








7£®A£®Behind the sofa

B£®Under the sofa

C£®on the box

D£®In the box

8£®A£®This Tuesday

B£®Next Monday

C£®This Friday

D£®Next Thursday

9£®A£®Her mother

B£®Her cousin

C£®Her friend

D£®Her teacher





11£®A£®Library rules

B£®Family rules

C£®Traffic rules

D£®School rules

12£®A£®Every day

B£®Four times a week

C£®Twice a week

D£®Once a week

13£®A£®Because the pencil doesn¡¯t work£®

B£®Because the pencil is too expensive£®

C£®Because the sharpener doesn¡¯t work£®

D£®Because the sharpener is too expensive£®

14£®A£®She hasn¡¯t bought the street map£®

B£®She hasn¡¯t packed the camera

C£®She hasn¡¯t locked the windows

D£®She hasn¡¯t watered the plants


15£®Danny had a car accident while he was walking to school£®

16£®The doctors didn¡¯t know when Danny would wake up£®

17£®One day when Danny¡¯s father said ¡°Sam¡±, Danny moved his arm£®

18£®Danny¡¯s parents wanted to bring Sam to the hospital, but the nurse didn¡¯t agree

19£®One day, Sam jumped on Danny¡¯s bed and Danny said his first words ¡°Bad cat!¡±

20£®After seven weeks Danny was well, so he left the hospital and went home

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
