

A:Hello, Mrs. White. I’m weak in speaking.1.

B:Sure. First, listen to as much English as possible.2.

A:What should I listen to ?

B:3. Second, speak as much English as possible in class.

A:But I always find that I don’t remember the word I want to say.

B:4.For example, if you don’t remember the word “cheap” , but you know the word “expensive”, you can say, “It’s not expensive.” or “It’s a good price.”

A:Oh, I see.

B:5. It’s not a race. Before you speak, think carefully about what to say and speak a little slower than normal.

A:OK. Thank you so much.

B:You’re welcome.

A.When you speak, slow down.

B.How can I speak English well?

C.Can you give me some advice?

D.You can listen to songs, films and news.

E.It will help you improve your speaking.

F.You should speak English as often as possible.

G.If you don’t know a word, think of another way to say it.


先阅读(A)、(B)、(C) 三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。


go, in silence, care, five, normal, he, safe, swing

After I graduated from college, I finally found my job in a group home for mentally (精神上) disabled adults after my_________application(申请). We were required for the feeding, dressing and _________of our customers. It was a difficult job and I didn't look forward to_______to work each day.

One of our customers was a young man who couldn't talk._______ , he would often act up(淘气). One day, when we were out walking, I suddenly felt something touch my fingers. The young man was trying to hold my hand. Instead of pushing it away, I took his hand and he even_________my arm happily. We walked along together and turned back home_________. Then, I saw there was a light shining in his eyes. At that moment, I saw the angelic(似天使的)spirit that lay in the young man_______ . And it also took out the feeling of love hidden deep in my heart. He helped me to learn that being a_________person for my customers was not my responsibility but an honor. He was my greatest teacher in how to live and how to love.


The Japanese school system(体系) is different from the rest of the world.

Most schools have a three—term system with new school years starting every April. There are six grades in the elementary school (小学). Japan has one of the longest school days in the world. Even after the school ends, children still have other homework to keep them busy.

School holidays are six weeks long during the summer break and about two weeks long in whether the winter or the spring break.

Every class has its own classroom. During elementary education, in most cases, one teaches all of the subjects in each class. The number of the students in one class is usually under 40.

Here are some interesting facts about Japanese school: Nearly all junior high schools require their students to wear school uniforms. Most students in Japan really feel happy in school; students spend 205 minutes on language class and 165 minutes on science class every week (in other countries, 215 and 200 minute). But they spend more time on maths class—235 minutes every week (in other countries, 218 minutes).


The American cowboy was a great hero through facts and stories.

In history, the real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback. The work was dirty, tiring and not paid very well. Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night, When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to keep the animals calm and overcome their own fear. They were not well-educated, so they sang about their daily life in very simple words. Country Western music became popular first among cowboys in the American west countryside.

The cowboy quickly received popularity. Historians say that this was because the cowboy appeared during a time of change in American life. The cowboy seemed free and more independent than other Americans.

At present, the life of real cowboys has changed greatly. There is no need for the modern cowboys to sleep on the ground. Modern cowboys are paid well and are found in almost every state of the United States. Most modern cowboys do not make much money from raising cattle(牛). Many do it because they love the cowboy life.

The American cowboy—a great hero through facts and stories

In history


The real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback.

Cowboys often sang beautiful and peaceful songs which kept the animals calm and________________their own fear.

The cow boy seemed free and had more 17 than other Americans.

The life of real cowboys has changed greatly.

It isn't_____________for the modern cowboys to sleep on the ground.

Many cowboys keep________________cattle because they love the cowboy life.












9.b_______a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest

10.r_______ make sb. do sth.


The number of the students in one class is usually under 40.

The number of the students in one class is usually______ _______ 40.




13.How many weeks do Japanese students have for their school holidays in a year?


14.Do most students in Japan really feel happy in school?


15.What class do Japanese students spend more time on?








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