
If you want to find out a piece of information about anything, the best place to search for it is Wikipedia. This online encyclopedia(百科全书) is written by thousands of people around the world. Anyone can add or change the information if he or she finds it not correct or not well written. In this way, people who know a lot about a certain subject can write about it even if they are not university professors.

What is more, Wikipedia includes articles written in about 235 languages. This fact makes it one of the few websites on the Internet that are truly international. It was started in 2001 by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, as a free online English-language encyclopedia project. By April 2008 over 10 million articles had been put on Wikipedia. A quarter of the articles in English. Wikipedia is also a place where people can find the latest news.

However, Wikipedia has its own problems. There have been many complaints that some of the information on Wikipedia is not accurate and some important subjects are not included. This has led to arguments between the writers of articles. The people running Wikipedia say that the accuracy of the information is improving and that it is one of the top 20 visited websites on the Internet.

So, if you are looking for some information, why not try Wikipedia?

1.Wikipedia is ___________.

A.a computer game                       B.an online magazine

C.a free university                        D.a website encyclopedia

2.People who write on Wikipedia__________.

A.know much about a certain subject          B.likes writing different stories

C.can’t be university professors             D.are usually famous scientists

3.The underlined word “accurate” means __________.

A.错误的           B.准确的           C.有条理的         D.逻辑的

4.Which is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Wikipedia includes articles written in about 253 languages.

B.People can find information about different subjects on Wikipedia.

C.Wikipedia is the only truly international website on the Internet.

D.Half of the articles on Wikipedia are written in English.









1.联系下文This online encyclopedia(百科全书) is written by thousands of people around the world. 描述,可知选D。

2.根据第一段In this way, people who know a lot about a certain subject can write about it even if they are not university professors.描述,可知选A。


4.根据第一段If you want to find out a piece of information about anything, the best place to search for it is Wikipedia.描述,可知人们能在维基百科查找到各种不同学科的信息。故选B。





When  people    travel    in  another  city  or   country ,they  sometimes  stay  in  the  homes of the local people.  This is called   homestay  .   It  is    a  great  experience  because  you  can  meet  people    from   a  different  country   or  city  and  learn  something  new  about   that  place   .                                                                                       I  am  Wan  Li  from  China.  I came  to  the  UK   with  my  friends  for  a  short   visit  .    we   are  living   with  an English  couple   ,Mr.   and  Mrs.Green  ,in  the  west   of    London.    They   have    a    wonderful      four –bedroom  house   .      This   is  a new   house  .  It   has    two   bathrooms     and  a   garden    with  many    beautiful    flowers.   I   have   a   bedroom    of   my   own   .                                                                                     

There  are   some    shopping    centres    and     restaurants     near     the    house,     and   the  house   is  close   to   an     underground  station. It  takes   about  thirty  minutes  to  get  to   the  centre  of  London. 

I  think   a  homestay   may  be   a  good   choice  for  you  if  it  is  your  first  time  to  visit  abroad .  The local  people  are  friendly  and  willing  to  help. If  you  happen  to  celebrate   the  holidays  with  them,  you  will  get  to  know  more  about    western  culture  and  customs.

1.The  underlined  word   homestay   in  the  passage  means_________.

A.Stay at home.

B.Stay in the homes of one’s friends

C.Stay in the homes of one’s relatives

D.Stay in the homes of the local people.

2.Wan Li and his  friends  live with _______ in London.

A.Mr. and Mrs. Bush

B. Mr. and Mrs. Green

C. Mr. and Mrs.

D.Mr. and Mrs. Brown

3.There is ____________near  the  house.

A.a bus station

B.an underground station

C.a train station

D.an airport

4.How long does it take Wan Li  to get  to the centre of London from the  west of London?

A.Thirty minutes

B.Thirteen minutes

C.Twenty minutes

D. Forty minutes

5.When travelers to the Great Britain happen to celebrate the holidays with the local people they will learn more about___________.

A.western culture and customs

B.world culture and customs

C.eastern culture and customs

D.southern culture and customs


Many years ago, a rich man found that someone wan taking valuable things from his house. He locked all the doors and all the windows .Still the things went. It must be one of the servants! How could he catch the servant? He thought of a good plan.

Late one evening. When it was dark, he called all the servants together, “There is a thief in the house, but I know how to catch him.”He said.”In the next room there is a square box. In that box there is a chicken which is magic. Each of you must go into the room alone. It is quite dark in the room. You must feel your way to the table and press the first finger of your right hand on the top of the box. If you are not the thief, nothing will happen. If you are the thief, the chicken will make such a loud sound that everyone in the house will hear it.”Some of the servants said that they did not want to do this. They were frightened of the magic chicken. But the man said that they must do what he said. If they had done nothing wrong. They had nothing to fear.

So the servants went into the dark room one at a time, while the rest listened carefully. Soon everyone had been in the room. but the chicken made no sound.”Good “said the man.”Now I know who the thief is! The servants looked very surprised.“Show me your right hands! The chicken did not make a sound for a very good reason. There is no chicken in the box at all! But the top of the box was covered with paint. You all have paint on your fingers, except for one person. That person is the thief, and he was afraid to put his finger on the box.”He pointed to one of the servants.”Your finger is clean! You are the thief!”

1.Were the rich man call all the servants together?

A. Yes, they were.  B. No, they weren’t.   C.I don’t know.

2.When did the rich man call all the servants together?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

3. Did the rich man catch the thief at last?

A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t   C. He gave up the plan

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. There was paint on the box.

B. All of the servants touched the box.

C. All of the servants went into the dark room

5. What do you think of the rich man?

A. Brave.   B. Clever   C. Friendly.


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