Video game tester

Would you like a job that lets you play games? Someone is wanted by a video game company. A lot of teenagers want this job because they play video games four hours a day! The one employed will test the games to make sure they work well. How exciting the job is!

Call us at 0010-2506 if you are interested.

Climbing guide

Many people want a job that lets them travel. Do you like adventures and an exciting life? Do you like to hike or climb mountains? Join us! You’ll help people climb mountains and travel all over Brazil. Anyone employed gets paid for $ 2,000 per month.

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Book sorter

Do you love books? Can you work on Sunday nights? The library is looking for someone who can help sort(分类)out books and put them back on the shelves. Before Thursday, send an e-mail to Janet Chen( you are interested.

Dog walker

Would you like a job that lets you work with animals? Do you want one that lets you be outside a lot? You can walk a few dogs, three times a day, five days a week! Dogs are playful and fun, so your job will never be boring.

Welcome to our workroom on the 20th floor in the Golden Flower Plaza.

1.The work of a video game tester is mainly to ________.

A.create many video games games every day

C.test the running of games D.make sure the game is liked

2.If you want to work as a climbing guide, you can get ________ a year.

A.$2,000 B.$ 10,000 C.$ 12,000 D.$ 24,000

3.What’s the most probable duty of Janet Chen?

A.Helping sort out books in the library. B.Putting books back on the shelves.

C.Sending e-mails to the company. D.Choosing the suitable employees.

4.If you like animals, you can work as ________.

A.a video game tester B.a dog walker

C.a book sorter D.a climbing guide

5.You should ________ to learn more about the job of a dog walker.

A.make a phone call B.send an e-mail the Internet D.go to the workroom

The word “plastic” comes from the Greek word “Platicos” and is used to describe something that can be easily shaped.

The history of plastics is longer than you might__________. In fact the first man-made plastic ever to appear on the market was made over a hundred years ago. It was called “celluloid(赛璐璐)”. It was discovered by ________an Englishman and an American in the same year.____________ it was the Americans who first produced it on a large scale(规模)during the year 1860. Everybody was__________ by this new material which could be moulded(用模子做)into shapes and was so cheap to buy.

Poor young men working in cities with lots of smoke and dirt were ________ to buy white celluloid collars (领子). The collars were hard and uncomfortable. But they did not have to be sent to wash. The poor young men could rub them clean every evening with soap and water! Poor mothers,who had not been able to afford playthings for their children,were now able to buy them playthings__________of celluloid.

But celluloid had one very serious fault. It caught fire very easily. In fact it burned even more quickly than wood or cloth. There were many terrible accidents,particularly__________ children. For years scientists worked hard to find a better plastic material than celluloid. They had__________success. Then in 1932 an American scientist called Baekeland produced a hard plastic material which did not burn. It became known as bakelite(酚醛塑料). Other plastic materials like bakelite were also produced. They were_________to make electrical fittings (配件)and plates and cups. Poor people liked them because they were both cheap and safe,but rich people disliked them because they were cheap,and because they could only be made ________dark colours.

1.A.wish B.think C.want D.hope

2.A.both B.neither C.either D.between

3.A.So B.But C.And D.As

4.A.surprised B.excited C.told D.frightened

5.A.worried B.sure C.afraid

6.A.done B.produced C.worked D.made

7.A.between B.on C.among D.about

8.A.much B.great C.never D.little

9.A.cut B.hoped C.used D.had C.from D.of

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