
My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. But the more I tried , the more he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes. In this way he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked.
◆ One night I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as a head teacher. “ I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences(缺席).” Before he could say another word I choked up(哽咽). And said sadly, “ I love my son. I’ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. It’s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The head teacher seriously said, “ Thank you for your time.”
◆ Karl’s next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades. He was even on the list of the best students at school. In his fourth year, I took part in a parent-teacher meeting.I noticed that his teachers were surprised at the way he had turened himself around. On our way home, he said, “ Mum, remember that call from the head teacher last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I’d play a joke but I heard what you said, It really hit me how much I was hurting you.That’s when I knew I had to make you proud.”
阅读短文内容, 选择正确答案。(5分)
小题1:Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word “withdrawn”?
A.Quiet and lonely.B.Relaxed and excited.
C.Active and lively.D.Happy and easygoing.
小题2:According to the first report card, Karl __________.
A.often went to school lateB.did well at school
C.did a good job at school D.failed in the exams
小题3:When the mother said “ it’s out of my hands” to the head teacher, she meant that she __________. 
A.didn’t know what to do about her sonB.would drive her son away from the house
C.had no money to support the familyD.would have to hang up
小题4:Who telephoned Karl’s mother that day?
A.The head teacher.B.The school adviser.
C.Karl himself.D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
小题5:From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.children in single-parent families always have mental problems
B.mother’s love is important to teenagers’life
C.parents should give their children everything that they need
D.school education still works well without the support from parents


小题1:联系下文As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him.描述,可知他在父亲死后变得沉默孤独了,故选A。
小题1:根据第二段“ I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences(缺席).”描述,推理可知他考试不及格,故选A。
小题1:联系上文I’ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked.可知他的母亲也没有什么办法,故选A,关于儿子不知道该如何做。
小题1:根据第三段“ Mum, remember that call from the head teacher last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I’d play a joke but I heard what you said,描述,可知前文的电话是卡尔自己打的,故选C
小题1:根据but I heard what you said, It really hit me how much I was hurting you.That’s when I knew I had to make you proud.”可知是母亲对孩子的爱,改变了自己的儿子,故选B,母爱对青少年的生活是很重要的

Michael and Dick are good friends, but they like to play jokes on each other. One holiday, they decided to go to London together. They went to the station and bought their tickets.
Michael got on the train first. He dropped his ticket on the platform when he got into the carriage. Dick, who was close behind, saw the ticket fall and quickly picked it up. He put it in his pocket, but didn’t tell Michael. After they had been in the train for a while, they heard the conductor coming down the corridor, shouting, “Tickets, please!” Michael looked for his ticket and of course couldn’t find it.
“Oh dear, I can’t find my ticket, Dick,” Michael said.
“Look for it carefully, Michael; it must be somewhere.” said Dick.
“No, I can’t find it anywhere. What shall I do?” said Michael.
“Perhaps you’d better hide under the seat; then the conductor won’t know you are here.” So Michael hid under the seat. At this time, the conductor came in. “Tickets, please,” he said. Dick handed him tow tickets and said, “This is mine. The other is my friend’s. But he prefers to stay under the seat.”
小题1:Michael and Dick would spend their holiday in________.
小题2: Where did Michael lose his ticket?
A.On the platformB.In the carriage
C.In the corridor D.Under the seat
小题3:What did Dick do after he picked up Michael’s ticket?
A.He gave it to his friend.B.gave it to the inspector.
C.He put it in his bag.D.He put it in his pocket.
小题4:Michael hid under the seat when the conductor came to check the ticket because _______.
A.he didn’t buy the ticketB.he liked to hide under the seat
C.he couldn’t find his ticketD.he wanted to lay with the inspector
小题5:From the last sentence we can know that when Michael heard Dick’s words, he would feel___________.
Dear Tony,
Time flies. It’s   1  now. We have warm days and bright sunshine again. Do you go out for your weekends?
Guess   2  I am now? I am not in Nanjing. I am in a town outside the city. This place is only 30   3  from my home by bus. It’s not a big town. Only fifty   4  people live here. So it’s less crowded(拥挤的) than Nanjing. There is   5  pollution here. And it’s usually   6  at night because there aren’t many cars. I had a good sleep last night! I didn’t   7  until 8.00 this morning!
It’s a beautiful town with lots of lakes and hills   8 . I want to   9  on the river after lunch. And I plan to go to climb the hills.
Come with me to this town next time. I am sure you don’t want to   10  when you come to the beautiful place.
1. A. winter   B. spring       C. summer        D. autumn
2. A. what      B. who        C. when          D. where
3. A. hours’     B. minutes’     C. hours         D. minutes
4. A. hundred   B. thousands    C. million        D. hundreds of
5. A. much     B. lots of       C. many          D. little
6. A. noisy     B. warm       C. quiet           D. interesting
7. A. wake up   B. sleep       C. have breakfast   D. go to school
8. A. inside     B. around      C. in the middle   D. go walking
9. A. stand     B. go walking   C. go boating     D. go shopping
10. A. leave    B. come       C. have fun       D. see me
I have never taken cooking classes. I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interested in teaching me how to cook. The main reason for this was because when my mother got married, she didn’t know how to cook anything, not even an egg. My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking.
My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old. In the beginning, it was very hard for her. So, she had to take cooking classes to prepare(准备) our meals. After having that experience, she decided to teach me how to cook because she didn’t want me to have the same experience.
I remember when I was seven years old, and my mother was cooking, I was with her in the kitchen enjoying cooking. I always helped her. Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew how to make, and sometimes we prepared them from recipes. Nowadays, I am really thankful for that experience because I don’t need help to cook a meal. I can cook for me alone or for a group of people; it doesn’t matter.
I will do the same with my children because I don’t want them to have the same experience as my mother. If one day I am not with them, I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me.  
小题1: The writer’s mother learned cooking _______.
A. from the writer’s grandmother
B. all by herself
C. by taking cooking class
小题2:The underlined word recipes in this passage most probably means _______.
A. instructions on how to cook food
B. experiences of cooking food
C. some well-known cooks
小题3:We can learn from the passage that the writer’s children will _______.
A. hate cooking
B. learn cooking
C. teach cooking
小题4: The writer must think cooking is _______ to learn in life.
A. interesting          B. difficult          C. necessary
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. the writer’s mother didn’t know how to cook anything but an egg.
B. the writer’s mother started to cook after 25 years old.
C. the writer’s mother taught the writer how to cook because she disliked cooking.

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