

【1】At last, Daniel finished the difficult Maths problem _____________ (correct).

【2】Shanghai Oriental Pearl(东方明珠)tower is famous for its _____________ (high).

【3】---Can you tell me the _____________(climb) names? Their mobiles left here.

【4】The poor men can’t buy _____________ (they) anything because they have no money with them.


【1】 correctly






【1】句意:最后,丹尼尔正确的完成了这道数学难题。根据句意及题干分析此空应用副词修饰动词 finished,故填 correctly。





【题目】Once upon a time, there was a poor man. One day, after working for hours, he had a rest under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a terrible snake coming out of an anthill(蚁丘). The man thought that the snake might be the god of the field. He did not give it anything, so he could not get anything from the field.

At once he went to bring a bowl of milk and offered the milk to the snake. “God of the field! I didn’t know that you live here. That’s why I never gave you anything. Please forgive me. Then he went home.

The next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill. From then on, the man gave milk to the snake and found gold coins.

One day the man was so busy that he couldn’t send milk to the snake. So he asked his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave it to the snake. The next day, when he came back, he found a gold coin in the bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, “This anthill must be full of gold coins. I would kill the snake and take them all.”

The next day, the son came to the field with milk and a stick. He gave the milk to the snake and hit it with the stick. The snake escaped the stick and bit the boy to death.

【1】The man might get from he field before he found the snake.

A. anything B. nothing

C. gold coins D. some anthills

2The underlined word “forgive” means ________ in Chinese.

A.忘记 B.忽略 C.原谅 D.保佑

3The son died because .

A. the snake didn’t offer him any gold coins

B. his father was too busy to take care of him

C. he didn’t give the snake any milk.

D. he wanted to get all the snake’s gold coins.

4From the passage we can learn that .

A. too much greed(贪婪) is harmful

B. we should protect the snake

C. the snake is terrible

D. people can’t get coins from the snake

5We may find the passage .

A. in a research B. in a sports magazine

C. in a poster D. in a storybook


Six-year-old Brandon decided one morning to make his parents pancakes. He ________ a big bowl and a spoon, pulled a chair to the table, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour(面粉)bag. He put some flour ____ the bowl with his hands, mixed in a cup of milk and _______some sugar.

Soon Brandon __________ flour and getting frustrated(懊恼的). He wanted this to be something ____for Mum and Dad, but it was getting very bad. He didn’t know what to do _____.

Suddenly he saw his cat near the bowl and went to push her away, ____________ the egg box to the floor. He tried to clean up but slipped(滑倒)on the eggs, getting his clothes ____. Just then, he saw his Dad___________ at the door.

Brandon’s eyes were full of tears. All he wanted to do was something good, but now. He was sure his Dad would beat(揍)him, but his father didn’t. ____________, he picked up his crying son and kissed him.

That’s what we sometimes face in ___________. We try to do something good, but it turns into a mess(一团糟). Sometimes we just________ there in tears ____________we can’t think of anything else to do. Hopefully, that’s someone close to us picks us up, loves us and forgives us. But we can’t ___________ trying to “make pancakes” for Dad or for other. Sooner or___________ we’ll get it right, and then they’ll be glad we tried.

【1】A. found B. looked for C. invented D. searched for

【2】A. above B. at C.into D. under

【3】A. put B. dumped C. gave D. added

【4】A. was fond of B. was covered with C.was good at D. was glad about

【5】A. terrible B.forgetable C.good D. interesting

【6】A. certainly B. already C. recently D. next

【7】A.falling B. breaking C. knocking D. sending

【8】A.clean B. big C. cheap D. dirty

【9】A.standing B. sitting C.knocking D. pushing

【10】A.Therefore B.Finally C. Instead D. But

【11】A.life B. time C.use D. space

【12】A. lay B. land C. study D. stand

【13A. because B. though C.whenever D. so that

【14A. stop B.keep C. mind D. finish

【15A. late B.later C. less D. loss

【题目】Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and died in 1790.The philosopher(哲学家)and writer was one of the most important men in the early days of the United States. He believed strongly in the importance(重要性)of hard work, and he himself worked hard all his life, from the time he left school at the age of ten.

"Poor Richard," a character Franklin created, summarized(概括)Franklin's ideas in short sayings(谚语). Many of Poor Richard's sayings are still remembered today. One of the most famous is "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise," from the essay(散文)"The Way of Wealth."

In the same essay , Franklin talks about the danger of laziness and the value of ambitiousness(抱负).He asks what is accomplished by "wishing and hoping for better times". He says that we can make these times better if we try hard enough. People who spend all their time just hoping will die without food. They shouldn't expect everything to be easy, or as Poor Richard says, "there are no gains without pains." Franklin also says that we should work today, not wait until tomorrow. "One today is worth two tomorrows," says Poor Richard." Never leave that till tomorrow, which you can do today."

【1】The main idea of the text is that _______________.

A. one should have a clever mind

B. one should get up early

C. one should work hard all one’s life

D. one should make everything hard to do

【2】 According to the text, Poor Richard is a person who _________________.

A. used to help Franklin

B. appears in Franklin’s books

C. knows a lot of old sayings

D. works very hard all his life

【3】“one today is worth two tomorrows” means that ___________________.

A.if you want to do something valuable(有价值的), do it at once

B.one shouldn’t hope for better times

C.everyone can have a bright future

D.we have to enjoy ourselves today, not tomorrow

【题目】There was a lovely vegetable patch (菜园). A large tree grew there. Both the patch and the tree gave the place a wonderful look, and they were the pride(骄傲) of the gardener. But no one know that the vegetables and the tree couldn’t stand (忍受) each other. The vegetables hated the tree’s shadow (阴影) , because it left them only just enough light to live. The tree, on the other hand, hated the vegetables because they drank nearly all the water, leaving him just enough to live.

Their problem became so serious that the vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground so that the tree would die. The tree answered back by not protecting the vegetables from the hot sun, so they began to dry up. Soon the vegetables were really weak, and the tree was drying up.

The gardener wondered why and stopped watering them. When he did that, both the tree and the vegetables found that it was better to help each other. They learned how to live in harmony with those around them. So they decided to work together, using both the shade and the water to grow well. After seeing how well they were doing, the gardener gave the best care to the vegetable patch, watering and fertilizing (施肥) it better than any other patch for miles around.

【1】Why didn’t the vegetables and the tree get on well with each other?

A. Because the vegetables wanted more light.

B. Because the tree drank almost all the water.

C. Because the vegetables weren’t the pride of the gardener.

D. Because the vegetables didn’t look as wonderful as tree.

2From the passage we know ______.

A. The vegetables were sorry to see the tree drying up.

B. The gardener was very angry with the vegetables and the tree.

C. The gardener didn’t know what was happening in the patch at first.

D. The tree didn’t know how important the sun was to vegetables.

3The underlined phrase “in harmony” means “______” in the Chinese.

A. 长久地 B. 小心地

C. 有效地 D. 和谐地

4The passage is mainly about _______.

A. why the sunlight and water were very important

B. how the gardener took care of his vegetable patch

C. why the gardener was proud of his vegetable patch

D. what happened between the vegetables and the tree

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