
Here is a report from Xinghua Daily Newspaper. Computer games are very popular not only with the young people but also the adults. In some ways, they will take the place of(代替) the traditional games such as cards, chess and so on. Because you only need a computer to play computer games. But in the past, if a man wanted to play chess, he must look for another one. In fact, computer games themselves are so interesting and exciting for us. The games can bring you happiness and excitement. They have been used in too many places such as schools, business, hospitals and so on.
Now there are many educational games for the students. They are helpful to the students. They can make the students learn more and better by changing the study ways. When the students play the educational games, they use their brains, eyes, ears and hands. The students will be active to get knowledge while playing. But now the students shouldn’t spend too much time on the computer games. Otherwise, it may affect their study.
We have gone into the computer age. And learning too much knowledge through the computer is becoming true.
小题1:What is the report from?
A.TV. B.Radio.C.Magazine. D.Newspaper.
小题2:Who likes computer games?
A.Only the young.B.Only the adults.
C.Both the young and the adults.D.Nobody.
小题3:What’s the Chinese meaning of “affect”?
小题4:Can computer games take the place of the traditional games according to the report?
A.Yes, they can.B.No, they can’t.
C.In some ways.D.Sorry, we don’t know.
小题5:Which is TRUE about the computer games according to the passage?
A.The computer games aren’t interesting.
B.You can’t see computer games at school.
C.The computer games can only bring you happiness.
D.You can’t spend too much time on computer games.


小题1:细节理解题。根据Here is a report from Xinghua Daily Newspaper这是一份来自兴化日报的报道. 可知答案选 D
小题2:细节理解题。根据Computer games are very popular not only with the young people but also the adults. 电子游戏不仅受年轻人的喜爱,也受到成年人的喜爱可知答案选C
小题3:细节理解题。根据But now the students shouldn’t spend too much time on the computer games.但现在学生不应该花太多的时间在电子游戏上,可知答案选C
小题4:细节理解题。根据 In some ways, they will take the place of(代替) the traditional games某些方面,电子游戏将代替传统游戏如纸牌、棋类等等,可知答案选C。
小题5:细节理解题。根据In fact, computer games themselves are so interesting and exciting for us. The games can bring you happiness and excitement. They have been used in too many places such as schools, business, hospitals and so on.  But now the students shouldn’t spend too much time on the computer games. Otherwise, it may affect their study.实际上,电子游戏本身对于我们来说太有趣令人兴奋了,游戏能带给你幸福和激动,他们已经用于许多地方如学校、商业、医院等等,但现在学生不应该花太多的时间在电子游戏上,否则会影响学习,可知答案选D
Hello, everyone! I’m Kathy. I live in Washington, D.C. I’m in Grade 8. I spend about half an hour on my homework every day. My homework this week is to find out how much homework students have now. Please tell me about your homework on the website.
I’m in Grade 7 in Macross City. I have too much homework. I usually spend more than two hours on homework every day. I don’t use the Internet to help with my homework
Hi! I live in New York. I’m in Grade 6. I guess I’m lucky, because I don’t have too much homework. I usually finish my homework in an hour. I don’t use the Internet for homework. My brother will come to help me if I have problems with my homework.
I’m in Grade 8. I usually spend less than an hour on my homework. I sometimes use the Internet to find information about homework. I don’t think my homework is too much.
小题1:Why does Kathy want others to tell her about their homework?
A.Because she wants to know about her classmates.
B.Because she wants to make friends on the Internet.
C.Because she wants to finish her homework.
D.Because she wants to find someone to do her homework.
小题2:What will Linda do if she has problems with her homework?
A.Ask her brother for help.
B.Ask her teacher for help.
C.Use the Internet for help.
D.Discuss them with her friends.
小题3:__ spends the most time on homework .
小题4:Which two students are in the same grade?
A.Kathy and Linda.
B.Linda and Jack.
C.Ben and Jack.
D.Kathy and Jack.
小题5:How many of the four students use the Internet for homework?
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According to a recent survey, British teenagers are not in good health because they don’t have enough time for sleep. They don’t sleep well, either. They are often disturbed(打扰) by electronic gadgets(器具,装置) in their bedrooms. We call such kind of sleep “junk sleep”.
We did a survey among 1,000 students aged 12 to 16, and we found out that 30 percent of them slept for only 4 to 7 hours a day. Nearly a quarter said they fell asleep while they were watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic gadgets.’
Nowadays, almost all the teenagers have a phone, music system or TV in his or her bedroom. Almost 20 percent of the teenager boys said the quality of their sleep were not good. It was affected by leaving their TVs or computers on. The survey also found out that 40 percent of young people felt tired every day. What’s more, the girls aged 15 to 16 felt the worst among them.
“Teenagers need to realize the importance of sleeping well. If they sleep well, they will be able to study hard and perform well at school. I am shocked to know that so few teenagers have noticed the close connection between sleep and schoolwork,” said Dr Chris.
小题1:What disturbs British teenager in their bedrooms?
A. Sleep.           B. Electronic gadgets.        C. Schoolwork.
小题2:According to the result of the survey, how long did 30 percent of students sleep a day?
A. 3 to 7 hours.      B. 4 to 7 minutes.            C. 4 to 7 hours.
小题3:The word “ quality” means “      ” in Chinese.
A. 数量            B. 质量                    C. 时间
小题4:Among the students,                felt the worst.
A. the girls aged 13.      B. the girls aged 15.       C. the girls aged 17.
小题5:What does the passage talk about ?
A. Junk food.           B. Junk sleep.             C. Teenagers.
Mr. Jenkins is fifty years old. He has taught math in a middle school for twenty-six years. He works hard and always comes to his office on time. He hopes his students can be honest and he is strict with them. Some of his students become famous persons, but they still remember him and often write to him. Of course the old man is proud of it.
This term he began to teach Grade One. Some of the new students were told about him, but the others didn’t know him well. He told them how to be an honest person. He gave them several examples and said, “ I hate telling a lie most.”
Before class was over, he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1. The next morning, as soon as he came into the classroom, he said, “Who has finished Exercise 8?”
A few students put up their hands. He shook his head and said. “Open your workbooks and see whether there’s Exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not.”
The students had a look at their books and their faces turned red at once.
小题1:Mr. Jenkins began to work in the school when he was ________.
A. twenty-two      B. twenty-three        C. twenty-four
小题2:What is Mr. Jenkins proud of?
A. All his students have become honest.
B. All his students often write to him.
C. Some of his students become famous and often write to him.
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. This term Mr. Jenkins began to teach Grade One.
B. All the new students knew him well.
C. Not all the students put up their hands.
小题4:Mr. Jenkins told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1 because_____.
A. he wanted to know if they were honest.     
B. he wanted to give them an example
C. it was very important
小题5:The students’ face turned red because_________.
A. they made Mr. Jenkins angry        
B. they told a lie in class
C. they didn’t finish the exercise

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