
We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this high tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.
“Look down, Elsa," Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw several streets leading to the square. ‘‘See, my dear," Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another."
Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the bad lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.
When I turned to Father for help, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.
At school the next day, I poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She tried one spoonful and sputtered. “The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother promised that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!
In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every possible way. Father’s wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.
小题1:Father brought Elsa to the top of the church tower to_________________ .
A.have sports with Elsa
B.explain what he means clearly
C.enjoy the views
D.have a rest there
小题2:Elsa wanted her mother to_____________  earlier that day.
A.do something delicious for lunch
B.know he was complaining about his lunch
C.speak to the school about lunch
D.change the terrible eating habit
小题3:By sharing her own experiences, Elsa tries to tell us________
when one road is blocked , try another 
B. how bad the lunch of her school is
C. how wise her father is
D.how terrible her mother is


试题分析: 那天早些时候,我求妈妈对于学校做的不好吃的午饭向学校反映一下,妈妈不相信我说的话,我求助于爸爸,他没说什么,而是把我带到这个高塔上给我上了一课。我看到广场在村子里的中心,有几条街通向广场。爸爸说:通向广场的路不止一条,就像这样,如果你想走的一条路不通到你到的地方,试另一条。当我们回家时,我有了一个计划。第二天,我把午饭的汤带回家,晚会的时候让厨师端给妈妈吃。妈妈尝了一勺激动地说,厨师肯定是疯了。我告诉了妈妈,她答应第二天为学校午饭的事情做点什么。在随后的几年里,我经常记起爸爸给我上的那一课。我直到试过每一个可能的方法才停止工作。爸爸智慧的话总是提醒我到广场的路不只一条,
小题1:细节理解题。根据Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson而是把我带到这个高塔上给我上了一课,可知答案选B
小题2:细节理解题。根据Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the bad lunches that were served at school.那天早些时候,我求妈妈对于学校做的不好吃的午饭向学校反映一下,可知答案选C
小题3:主旨大意题。根据 I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every possible way. Father’s wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.我直到试过每一个可能的方法才停止工作。爸爸智慧的话总是提醒我到广场的路不只一条,可知答案选A
Gabriel Garcia Márquez ,who was awared the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982,passed away at the age of 86 on April 17,2014. The world paused to remember the cultural giant .
Garcia Márquez was born in Colombia ,but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City . As one of the most famous writers ,he was widely regarded as “a giant of 20th-century literature ” . Garcia Márquez wrote in a style  called “magical realism ”In such works,people live a daily life in a certain period of time in history . But meanwhile ,magical things happen to them .
Garcia Márquez is best known for his 1967 novel ,One Hundred Years of Solitude ,which has sold about 50 million copies . It tells the tale of the small and isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the outside world –of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years . The story is a metaphor for the development of Colombia since the 19century . As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santons said , Garcia Márquez wrote about “the very essence of the Latin American beings ” .
小题1:Garcia Márquez was born in the year _________.
小题2:We can know from Paragragh 2 that Garcia Márquez______.
A.was born in Mexico City
B.spent most of his adult life in Colombia
C.had a writing style called “magical realism ”
D.was famous but lived a simple daily life
小题3:The underlined word “isolated”means ________.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Garcia Márquez?
A.He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982
B.His novel One Hundrend Years of Solitude was a great success.
C.He was widely known as “a girl of 20th-century literature ”.
D.Magical things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.
小题5:The writer quotes from the President to ______.
A.praise Garcia Márquez for his achievement
B.show the deep sadness of the President
C.explain the writing style of Garcia Márquez
D.describe the character of Garcia Márquez
My mother used to ask me what was the most important part of the body. Through the years I would believe         I thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought         was very important to us as humans, so I said, “My ears, Mommy”. She said, “No. Many people are       . But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon,”
Several years passed         she asked me again. For I had often thought of the correct answer, so this time I told her, “Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it         be our eyes”. She looked at me and told me, “You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”
Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more        and always her answer was, “No, but you are getting        every year, my child.” Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was crying when it was our         to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. Mom asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”
I was         when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a        between her and me. She saw the puzzlement (疑惑)on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It          that you have really lived your life.” I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your       ”. I asked, “Is it because it        your head?” She replied, “No, it is because a crying friend or loved one can rest his head on it. I only hope that you have enough friends that you will have a shoulder to cry       when you need it.” Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish (自私的)one. It is sympathetic (同情)to the pain of       .
A.makes upB.holds upC.shows upD.fixes up
A.othersB.the otherC.otherD.the others
When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals — she would make breakfast food for dinner. 
I still remember one night my mum put some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt. I waited to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his       , smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. I’ve forgotten what I told him that night.       I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He     as usual, every single bit. 
After dinner, my mum said sorry to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, “I        burnt bread, dear. It doesn’t matter at all. ”
     , I went to kiss Dad good night.I asked him if he really liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and      , “Your mum worked very hard all day. She's really tired. And you see—a bit of burnt food never hurt anyone!”
Now I know life is not perfect.       is perfect, either. As for me, I often forget birthdays or some other special days. But I’ve learned something        over these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy      .
So don’t get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember,        bread never hurt anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you.
A.glassB.milk C.spoon D.bread
A.ButB.So C.Because D.And
A.threw it awayB.ate it up C.put it away D.looked it up
A.hateB.love C.make D.save
A.The next morning B.Before dinner C.Later that night D.After school
A.shoutedB.said C.laughed D.continued
A.EverybodyB.Anybody C.Nobody D.Somebody
A.importantB.difficult C.funny D.easy
A.classB.party C.life D.story
A.burntB.cheap C.freshD.cold
When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said, “Do it  yourself, dear.” I was not         at all. I thought she was the               mother in the world!
For example, one day, I decided to      some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didn’t make the bed. I asked my       to help me clean it,       she still said, “Do it yourself, girl.”
Because of my “lazy mother”, I have to         my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents         I even have to go to the dentist by myself. It is really hard  for me to do everything well, but I have learned      .
As time goes by, I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent (勤奋的)          a great mother!
A        mother is worth(等值于) one hundred teachers! Don’t you think so?
小题1:A. old                 B. glad             C. thin
小题2:A. tallest             B. most foolish     C. laziest
小题3:A. leave               B. invite               C. visit
小题4:A. mother              B. father               C. brother
小题5:A. or                  B. when             C. but
小题6:A. wash                B. lead             C. knock
小题7:A. do housework        B. go swimming      C. go camping
小题8:A. on show            B. by mistake           C. a lot
小题9:A. Which               B. What             C. Who
小题10:A. young              B. good             C. happy
A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised it had the        menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how        it was.
At the bottom of the       , there was a notice that said, “If you do not see the dish you need on this menu, please tell us and we will add it to the menu right away.”
The man        the menu and decided to make sure if it was true. He would order         that was very unusual.
When a waiter came up to take his order, he said, “You say you can serve any dish, even if it’s not on your longest menu in the world.”
“That is correct, sir. We are able to meet everyone’s requirements.”
“Well,” the man said, “bring me a sandwich with two elephant ears.       , not African.”
The waiter wrote down in his paper: Two Indian elephant ears on toast.
“Very good, sir,” he said. “That shouldn’t        long.”
The waiter walked away quickly.
The man was very surprised and rather disappointed.
Then he smiled        the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face.
“Ah!” the man said. “You can’t        it to me, can you?”
The waiter made an apology 道歉.
“I’m very sorry, sir, and this is the      embarrassing 令人为难的,” he said, “but I’m afraid we can’t because we’ve run out of bread.”
小题1:A. biggest            B. thickest            C. longest
小题2:A. unfair             B. unusual         C. beautiful
小题3:A. menu           B. dish            C. restaurant
小题4:A. looked for       B. looked after        C. looked at
小题5:A. anything           B. something       C. everything
小题6:A. American       B. Indian              C. Canadian
小题7:A. pay            B. cost                C. take
小题8:A. as             B. and                 C. so
小题9:A. catch           B. take                C. bring
小题10:A. least          B. most            C. less
Mr Guppy was a very large man. Life was not easy for him. He could not find clothes big enough. His         were too large for most shoes. In buses, trains and planes, he could not stand up straight. The roofs were too        . In fact, wherever he went and whatever he did, Mr Guppy had         because of his size.
These problems were so bad that Mr Guppy         at home most of time. Life was easier at home.Then one day, a friend said, “You spend too much time at home. You          go out more. There’s a good movie at the theatre.”
“I can’t sit in any seat there,” Mr Guppy said. “I’m         big.”
“That is no problem,” his friend said. “I’ll buy you two tickets. You can         them at the theatre when you get there.”
The friend sent money to the theatre for two tickets. When the day came, Mr Guppy        his best clothes and went to the theatre.
“You have two tickets for me,” he said to the       in the ticket office. “My name is Guppy.”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Guppy,” the woman said. “Here you are. Seats G4 and P12. I’m sorry, you and your friend can’t sit together          too many people have come to see the film this evening.”
Poor Mr Guppy! He smiled sadly, walked out of the theatre and went home.
A.handsB.feet C.earsD.eyes
A.lowB.highC.large D.small
A.left B.keptC.stayedD.lived
A.buyB.sell C.give D.get
A.picked upB.asked forC.put onD.saved up

Thomas Edison was born in America. He invented plenty of electric appliances(电器) and people from all over the world know him. At that time, there was no electric lamp in the world. And it brought people much trouble. Young Edison decided to invent it. He didn’t know which material was suited to be a lamp filament(灯丝). He failed and failed and he spent a lot of time on it. Some of his friends asked him to stop the experiments, but he didn’t listen to them and tried his best to find the material.
One afternoon, one of his friends came to visit him, he was doing his experiments in the lab when the man came in. But he only asked his friend to sit down and didn’t stop to talk with him. The man sat for a long time and Edison said nothing to him. His friend was angry with him and said, “You’ve done the experiments 1,200 times but you failed 1,200 times too!”
“You’re right, my friend,” Edison went on doing his experiments and said. “But I’ve known 1,200 materials are not suited to be a lamp filament!”
小题1:Why do many people know Edison?
A.Because he was very clever.
B.Because he worked hard.
C.Because he spent much time on his work.
D.Because he invented many electric appliances.
小题2:He tried to find a kind of material which was suited to be ______.
A.a lampB.a lamp filamentC.a telephoneD.a light
小题3: Edison was busy with his work, so ____________.
A.he asked his friend to help him
B.he asked his friend to go back first
C.he didn’t stop to talk with his friend
D.he asked his friend to watch him working
小题4:His friend was angry because ____________.
A.he couldn’t persuade Edison to give up
B.Edison didn’t say hello to him
C.Edison failed 1,200 times
D.he didn’t think Edison was polite to him
小题5:From the passage, we learn that ___________.
A.Edison was a hard-working personB.Edison never gave up
C.Edison was rude to friends. D.Both A and B

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