
       Two very good fishermen went fishing.  After a short time.  both were catching a lot of fish and many people came to watch them.      
       One of the fishermen was outgoing and talked pleasantly with the people around him.  The other was
       The people asked the outgoing fisherman to teach them how to fish.  He agreed but asked these 
people to give him one fish for every ten they caught.  If they caught less than lo fish, they wouldn't have
 to give him any fish.      
       So the fisherman started to teach everyone how to fish.  He spent the whole day teaching  them and
 got back a full basket of fish.  He also made friends with the people he taught to fish.      
       The other fisherman was lonely.  Nobody was watching him.  At the end of the day,  his  fish were
 far fewer than his friend's.      
       If we help others succeed, we harvest both success and friends.
1. Why did many people come to watch the two fishermen?
2. Which fisherman agreed to teach these people how to fish? 
3. What would the people do if they caught ten fish?
4. Did the silent fisherman have fewer fish than his friend at the end of the day?
5. What do you learn from the story?
1. Because they caught a lot of fish after a  short time.    
2. The outgoing fisherman.    
3. They would give the outgoing fisherman one fish for every ten.    
4. Yes, he did.    
5. If we help others succeed, we harvest both success and friends.


Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they came into a little Restaurant for lunch. They didn't know Spanish, and their waiter didn't; know English. They wanted him to understand that they wanted some milk and bread.

  At first they spelled the word “milk”many times. Then they wrote it down. Butte waiter could not understand them.

  At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow, When he finished his drawing, the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant at once.

  “Do you see,” said one of the travellers, “What a pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country !”

  The waiter was back again some time after, but he brought no milk. He put down in front of the two American two tickets for a bull-fight.

  (1)This story is about ________.

[  ]

  A. a waiter

  B. a bull-fight

  C. two Americans

  D. two American and a waiter

  (2)One morning they ________ a little restaurant and they wanted to ________ some milk and bread.

[  ]

  A. got at; take

  B. arrived at; eat

  C. entered; have

  D. reached; drink

  (3)The waiter couldn't understood ________ they said.

[  ]

  A. why
B. what
C. how
D. when

  (4)At last one of the Americans drew a ________ and showed it to the ________.

[  ]

  A. ticket; cow

  B. cow; waiter

  C. bull-fight; waiter

  D. bread; cow

  (5)After some time the waiter came hack and brought ________ for them.

[  ]

  A. two tickets

  B. a pencil

  C. a piece of paper

  D. two cups of milk

     Two men walked quietly up to the open windows of a small house in the darkness."We can take
what we want from this house," one of them said. The taller of the two men quickly climbed through
the open window into one of the rooms."Give me your torch (手电筒)." he told his friend. "Go round
to the door. Wait there until I open it for you."
     His friend disappeared (消失).Then the man turned on the torch and walked quietly towards the
door. Before he reached the door, he suddenly stopped. He found a man. The man was sitting in a big
chair in a corner of the room. He was looking at the tall man. His eyes never moved.
     The tall man cried out and threw the door open and he shouted to his friend to run after him. They
didn't stop running until they were far away from the house. They never knew that the man could see
nothing because something was wrong with his eyes.
1.What were the two men? They were _______.
A. workers
B. thieves (小偷)
C. policemen
D. guests
2.The tall man walked through the room to _______.
A. turn off the light
B. find the owner of the house
C. open the door
D. wait for his friend
3. Where did the tall man meet the man sitting in a big chair?
A. Near the door.
B. In a small house.
C. In a corner.
D. Both B and C.

4.The owner's eyes didn't move because _______.

A. he like sleeping in a chair
B. he couldn't see anything
C. he was too frightened (害怕) to move
D. he was sleeping
5.Why did the man throw the door open? Because _______.
A. he was very afraid of the man in the chair
B. he had known the man before
C. the owner of the house would take hold of them
D. he wanted his friend to come in at once

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