
     Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop there and his mother is a driver. He is 7 years old now
and begins to go to school this autumn. The school is a little far from their shop. So his mother drives a
car to take him to school every day. And Sam is never late for class. All his teachers like him very much.
     It's Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten. Soon Sam can do it well.
Miss Green is very happy. "How many people are there in your family?" Miss Green asks. Sam stands up and says, "Two, Miss Green."
    "Who are they?" 
    "My father and mother."
    "Oh?" Miss Green is surprised. She says, "but I think there are three people in your family, your father,
your mother, and you. Please don't forget yourself, Sam."
    "But Miss Green, I’m not at home now, I'm at school!" Sam says.
1.  Sam’s father works ______.
A. in a school    
B. in a factory  
C. in a shop    
D. in England
2.  Now Sam is in Grade ______.
A. One        
B. Two          
C. Three      
D. Four
3. Every day Sam goes to school ______.
A. by bus    
B. with his father  
C. by bike  
D. in a car
4. What day is it today?  
A. It’s Sunday.  
B. It’s Monday.  
C. It’s Children’s Day.  
D. It’s Friday.
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Miss Green is happy because Sam can count from one to ten.
B. Sam is at school now.
C. Miss Green doesn't know how many people there are in Sam's family.
D. There are two people in Sam’s family.


  If a man in a spaceship looked down at the Earth, he would see mainly water.He might think that the Earth was one giant ocean with little land.

  Nearly seven-tenths of the Earth's surface is covered by water.One ocean, the Pacific(太平洋), has an area of 63 million square miles.

  Many years ago people thought that the land under all this water was flat.Now they know that this is not true.There are as many mountains under the sea sa there are on the land.

  At first, there was very little salt in the sea.The salt was brought into the sea by rivers.It is possible to measure the age of the earth by measuring the amount of salt in the sea.Scientists can calculate how many years it took for this amount of salt to be carried from the land into the sea.


Nearly ________ of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

[  ]










Long time ago people thought that the land under the sea was ________.

[  ]




a ball of gas


full of coal




In fact, under the sea the land ________.

[  ]


is full of mountains


is almost flat


is full of coal


is a ball of gas


At first, there was ________.

[  ]


a little salt in the sea


much salt in the sea


little salt in the sea


no salt in the sea


We can know the age of the Earth by measuring ________.

[  ]


the amount of water in the sea


the amount of flat in the sea


the amount of mountains in the sea


the amount of salt in the sea

Help Stray (走失的) Animals
We need to raise money to take care of stray dogs and cats. You can also adopt (收养) one if you
like from Mar. 25 to Apr. 15.
Please help!
Animal Center
www. sa-animalfoundation.org
Donate Your Old Clothes!
Do you have clothes you don't wear anymore?
We'll collect them and give them to the poor.
Love Foundation(基金会)
Seventh Grade Food Stand (货摊)
Do you want to enjoy fresh fruit juice and delicious fast food at a low price?
Visit us at the school market on Mar. 15!
Ping-Lin Junior High School
Cool Pet Show
Bring your pet to the talent show at 1 pm on Mar. 22.
Have fun and win big prizes!
Expect to see you!
Redwood City Zoo
1. Peter who wants to get a pet should go to ______.
A. Animal Center      
B. Redwood City Zoo
C. Love Foundation        
D. Ping-Lin Junior High School
2. Ping-Lin Junior High School' s market is on ______.
A. April 15                  
B. March 25
C. March 22                  
D. March 15
3. Carla who has a lot of old clothes can ______.
A. give them to the stray animals
B. take them to Love Foundation
C. take them to Redwood City Zoo
D. give them to the students from Ping-Lin Junior High School
4. Sally can ______ in order to win big prizes.
A. make her pet cat new clothes
B. take her pet dog for the talent show
C. visit the animals at Animal Center
D. help a student from Ping-Lin Junior High School
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. We can help the poor by donating our old clothes to Love Foundation.
B. Pets can be taken to take part in the talent show at Redwood City Zoo.
C. Whenever we go to Animal Center, we can take one stray dog home.  
D. There is cheap fresh fruit juice at Ping-Lin Junior High School's market.

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