One of the main purposes of traveling is to relax and take a break from your normal daily life. Whatever the truth is, we’re not always free to do what we like when traveling to a foreign country, and a US tourist learned that the hard way.

On Aug 12, the unnamed 4l-year-old man was beaten by a passer-by after he was seen giving Nazi salutes(纳粹礼) again and again on a street in Dresden, Germany.

Ever since the end of World War II, Germany has had strict laws to forbid the Nazi salute, as well as other symbols of Nazism.

In fact, most countries have their own taboos. If you plan to travel overseas, it's best to get familiar with these taboos before you start touring local sites. The following are some examples.


You can get fined for a lot of things in Singapore, including feeding birds, spitting, urinating in public, smoking in public, not flushing a public toilet after you use it, and eating or drinking on buses or trains.


You're not supposed to wear your shoes in someone’s house, but you're not supposed to take your shoes off outside the house either. Instead, there's a small area inside the door called a “genkan” which is where your shoes should go. If you're still not sure where that is, pay attention to what other people do and do the same.


French people don't like it when you talk about money. It's OK if you say that you want to quit a job because you are paid little money, but you should never say the exact amount. Money is a “dirty” topic in France.

1.When traveling abroad, we can’t ________.

A.relax and take a break from normal daily life

B.follow what other people do and do the same always free to do whatever we like

D.tour the local sites and give salutes

2.The underlined word “taboos” means something you must________doing.

A.enjoy B.avoid C.finish D.keep

3.________is considered to be proper.

A.Eating or drinking on buses or trains in Singapore

B.Wearing your shoes in your Japanese friend’s house

C.Talking about how much money you can make in France

D.Not smoking, spitting or feeding birds in public in Singapore

4.You can read this passage in (a)n________.

A.advertisement B.poster C.novel D.magazine

Every summer a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the chances are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and service The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the_________of travel. You can pick grapes on farms in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are________ jobs in hotels and restaurants.

But it is not easy now to find work. “_________you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,” says Althea Ellis, an adviser on_________for students. “If you work with a family in Italy, you’ll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you to speak _________. British students only have a _________advantage for jobs in the USA and Australia.”

________enjoys the experience. Sarah James was employed to help forty American children in Europe. The two teachers with the children had never been _________. One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was _________home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the__________they made, and what’s worse, Sarah herself was robbed on her only free evening of the entire trip. “I did visit a lot of new places,” she says, “but it wasn’t worth it. The pay was __________and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!”

“The trouble is, students expect to have a(n)__________time of it.” Althea Ellis points out. “After all, they see it as a __________. In practice, however, you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual work. You’ll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy. In other words, you’ll work if it’s convenient for the company that employs you. But you have __________employment rights. As soon as the holiday season __________, they’ll get rid of you.”

1.A.pains B.comfort C.difficulty D.excitement

2.A.always B.hardly C.never D.seldom

3.A.If B.Unless C.Because D.Although care B.vacation work C.language studies D.tourist safety

5.A.Italian B.English C.French D.Spanish B.language C.reading D.culture

7.A.No one B.None C.Not everyone D.Everybody

8.A.abroad B.employed C.sad D.respected

9.A.driven B.ridden C.left D.flown

10.A.friends B.decisions C.noise D.destruction

11.A.nice B.high C.fair D.poor

12.A.hard B.easy C.difficult D.terrible B.job C.festival

14.A.few B.little C.all D.much

15.A.starts B.lasts C.approaches D.finishes

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