学校里组织Week of Scientists活动,Tom计划将曾两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家居里夫人介绍给同学.他从不同的书籍中找到了如下的资料,你能帮他按顺序整理一下吗?
a.Maria Skotdowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, on 7th November 1867. (1)
b.Then, three years later, Pierre dies and Marie's world changed forever. ( )
c.She did very well and got her degree in 1893. ( )
d.She got married with Pierre Curie in 1895 and Maria became Marie Curie. ( )
e.She couldn't go to university because universities in Poland were not open to women, so she taught herself. ( )
f.Four years after the death of her mother, she left school. ( )
g.In 1903 Marie and Pierre won the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of natural radioactivity. ( )
h.Her childhood was not happy. Her elder sister died when she was nine and her mother died when she was eleven. ( )
i.In 1891 Maria went to Paris to study physics. ( )
j.In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the discovery of two new radioactive chemical elements-radium and polonium. ( )
k.Maria began working with her husband before their first daughter was born and together they discovered radium in 1898. ( )
l.A year after she got her physics degree she got a math degree, too. ( )
New words:
degree 学位 radium 镭 radioactivity 放射性 polonium 镨
a.1;b.12;c.6;d.8;e.4;f.3;g.10;h.2;i.5;j.11;k.9;l.7 从居里夫人的生平事件可以得出答案. |